Cardiac Cycle and Output
Read Chapter 11 pages 356, 363-367(7th edition pp. 359, 366-370)
Read all of Chapter 14 but do not worry about the calculations on pp. 437-440(7th edition pp. 440-443)
- Describe the ionic basis of action potentials in cardiac contractile and autorhythmic cells
- Explain the relationship between refractory periods and the absence of summation in cardiac muscle contraction
- Identify the source of the ‘lub-dup’ heart sounds heard by auscultation
- Describe the electrical and mechanical events of the cardiac cycle and their relationship to an electrocardiogram
- Identify normal heart rhythms
- Interpret graphs of ventricular volume, heart sounds, and ECG during a cardiac cycle
- Identify how EDV and ESV change during exercise
- Explain, quantitatively and qualitatively, how heart rate and stroke volume affect cardiac output
- Explain how autonomic nerves regulate heart rate and contractility
- Use cardiac output and stroke volume calculations
- Identify the factors that affect stroke volume
- Identify the factors which affect venous return
- Distinguish between the somatic and autonomic branches of the nervous system
- Distinguish between sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the nervous system
- Describe the structure, neurotransmitters and receptors of the autonomic nervous system.
Blood Pressure
Read Chapter 15 pp. 477-496 (7th edition pp. 478-497)
Read Chapter 25.3-25.5 Cardiovascular Response to Exercise, Feedforward Response, Temperature Regulation (7th edition pp. 791-794)
- Explain how capillary perfusion is regulated
- Explain how the elasticity of arteries affects diastolic pressure
- Describe the theory of sphygmomanometry
- Calculate mean arterial pressure and pulse pressure
- Describe the baroreceptor reflex and the compensatory responses to hypotension/hypovolemia and hypertension/hypervolemia
- Explain how MAP is affected by cardiac output, peripheral resistance, blood volume, and blood distribution
- Define peripheral resistance and explain its relationship to metabolic activity of tissues and sympathetic control
- Describe the control of the cardiovascular system during exercise