Power BI Assignment (100 Points)
This assignment practically illustrates conducting BI analysis using a BI Report that you created in the lab. The ability to identify previously unknown insights through data analysis with Power BI is a skill in high demand by hiring managers. Your work may be used in your junior writing portfolio or even at a job interview. Make your submission professional; the MS Word headings, captions and styles can help.
- (10 pts) Clarity; ensure your report, written in MS Word is professionally formatted and easy to read (see the rubric for common deductions). You will not submit aPower BI file, just the report. Itshould beabout two to three pages long. Format your report using this outline; details for each are described further below:
- BI analysis summary.
- Illuminating example.
- BI lab activity.
- (10 pts) Heading: Make sure that the following are on the top of the first page (only) of your submission: name, date, title (for example, “Business Intelligence with Power BI Assignment”), class and section (for example “MIS 250, Section 12345” -see Blackboard for section number), and names of anyone you worked with to complete this assignment (for example “<name here> and I worked together on this assignment”). Per the syllabus I encourage you to work in groups, but to honor academic integrity please note anyone you collaborate with.
- BI Analysis Summary. Through a combination of interacting with the report, pinning new visuals to your workspace and using natural language to query the data, identify at least three new and valuable insights (like we did in the lab). Then in your report place the following:
- (15 pts) A snip of the visuals depicting these valuable insights. I am expecting a total of three snips. Add a caption below. Put the most valuable insight first.
- (30 pts) Writea summary for management of your analysis. Factually describe thenew trend(s) or insight(s) you uncovered in your analysis. Don’t make unsupported assumptions (e.g. “our marketing campaign is bad”). Keep your writing factual, professional and to the point. One to three excellent paragraphs should suffice.
- (20 pts) Write an illuminating example of how something you did on this assignment illustratedBusiness Intelligence using the definitionscovered in class. Remember the elements of an illuminating example: 1) define the term BI (see textbook or study guide for definition), 2) describe an example (from your lab or assignment), and 3) clearly explain how your example illustrates the definition. One paragraph should suffice; keep your writing short and to the point. Remember, any source (e.g. the study guide, text or internet) used must be clearly cited in your paper, for example using a footnote (various online citation resources may be helpful, e.g. http://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-website).
- (15 pts) Your activity documentation. Insert the items you documented during the lab activity.
Grading Rubric
Excellent Submission | Good Submission | Fair Submission | Poor Submission | |
Heading | Includes name, date, title, class, section on first page. Title uses built-in Word headings (e.g. heading 1) and styles (e.g. bold for student name) for emphasis. Notes if assistance was received (or not). | Includes name, date, title, class, section on first page. Title uses bold, underline or italics for emphasis. Notes if assistance was received (or not). | Includes name, date, title, class, section. Heading on other than first page OR Font is same for all items OR does not document whether assistance was received (or not). | Missing one or more items(e.g. name, date, title, class, or section.) AND does not document whether assistance was received (or not). |
Visuals | Three visuals. Visualsare easy to read. Captions are numbered, formatted with emphasis and add new info not already present in the visual. | Three visuals. Visualsare easy to read. Captions not numbered but add new info not already present in the chart. | Three visuals. Visuals mostly easy to read, though somewhat difficult to interpret OR Charts have captions that mostly restate what is already in the chart. | Missing one or morevisual; ORvisuals are inaccurate; ORcannot easily interpretvisuals. ORvisuals or hard to read; ORvisuals do not have a title andcaption. |
Analysis Summary | Factually describes one or more insights, which reflect in-depthBI analysis significantly beyond what is covered in the lab. It makes keen insights and conclusions for management. Excellent quality writing, short and to the point. | Factually describes one or more insights, which reflect some BI analysis somewhat beyond what is covered in the lab. It makes presents useful insights and conclusions for management. Acceptable business writing.
Factually describes one or more insights, which reflect attempts to perform BI analysis though not significantly beyond what is covered in the lab. BUT managerial insights and conclusions
insights are hampered by writing/word choice issues. |
Largely fails to offer managerial insights with little analysis beyond what was covered in the lab. It is mostlya long list of facts from visuals OR uses imprecise language (e.g. “sales seem to increase”, or “were slightly lower”) or hyperbole (e.g. “huge growth”, or “abject failure”);ORhampered by poor quality writing. |
Clarity | Report is extremely readable. Excellent prioritization of content throughout, such as: font of charts and tables is same size or larger as page text font; each assignment element includes a separate heading;
headings of tables and charts on the same page as results; use of built in Word headings (e.g. Heading 1 for title, Heading 2 for heading above analysis, etc.) and styles throughout; white space and formatting (e.g. numbers and bolding).
Report is clear and readable. Clearprioritization of content, such as font of charts and tables is mostly the same size or larger as page text font. Each assignment element includes a separate heading, but some are not Word headings (e.g. Heading 1 for title, Heading 2 for heading above analysis, etc.) white space and formatting (e.g. numbers and bolding) generally appropriate, though it may be slightly cramped at times.
Report is slightly difficult to read.Hard to discern prioritization ofcontent.For example, font of charts and tables is much smaller or larger than page text making OR one or more assignment elements missing a separate heading OR headings not on same page as results OR headings do not use bold, underline or emphasis OR lack of white space and formatting (e.g. numbers and bolding) hampers visual clarity.
Report is difficult to read. Very hard to discern any prioritization ofcontent. Font of charts and tables noticeably smaller/larger than page font hindering readability.
Headings of tables or charts on a different page from results. Little use of headings or formatting to enhance readability. Presentation of assignment elements difficult to discern, or multiple elements combined.
Illuminating example | Uses correct definition from class; example related to assignment and sufficiently detailed; connection clearly and explicitly explains how example illustrates the term(s). Brief and to the point. Entirely clear writing. Correctly cites references, for example using www.citationmachine.net/apa. | Uses correct definition from class; example related to assignment, sufficiently detailed and understandable; connection clearly and explicitly explains how example illustrates the term(s). Length is mostly appropriate.Writing mostly clear and acceptable. Attempts to cite reference, though maybe insufficient for identifying the source. | Provides definition, though not consistent with that covered in class; example related to assignment and sufficiently detailed, though it may be slightly difficult to interpret. Connection is weak or not explicitly described. Length is somewhat appropriate. Moderately clear writing.Fails to cite any references. | No definitionOR incorrect; example not related to assignment or lacks sufficient detail; no connection or, a weak connectionthat restates the definition. Lack of brevity –example is wordy. Unclear writing. Fails to cite any references |
Activity Docu-mentation | Instructions followed completely. Includes all four required snips and explanations. Snips include captions that add insight. Excellent quality writing. | Instructions mostly followed. Includes all four required snips and explanations. Snips include captions. Acceptable business writing. | One or two instructions not followed. OR missing one snip OR snips missing captions OR missing one explanation OR clarity hampered by writing/word choice. | Too many instructions not followed. OR missing more than one snip ORmissing more than one explanation OR poor writing. |