Create a policy brief that answers these 6 essential questions on the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in Massachusetts.
1. Set the context. What has happened to ITIN tax filers?
2. Identify the problem: Why is this a problem? What’s so bad about ITIN tax filers becoming ineligible for the child tax credit?
3. Who is affected by this problem/ What tax credit means to them?
4. What are the health implications/ impacts related to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)?
5. Identify the solution – Expansion Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) eligibility to ITIN tax payers?
6. Identify the benefits of the solution – Supporting eligibility of EITC
Goal: The goal of the project is to work with various identified stakeholders to come up with a proposed policy for the purposes of developing a coalition and partnership that will work towards improving the health of children and families in immigrant communities by enhancing Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for immigrants in Massachusetts.
Purpose: To support Immigrants that lack numbers of social security to enhance their access to Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), guided by a framework of equity. Since health equity advocates for access to quality health services for all, the purpose of the project is to bridge the current gap on the part of immigrant communities.
Mission: Emphasize on the importance of equity in tax credit in a manner that encourages health equity in immigrants.
The paper should be 2 pages single-spaced (short and sweet) – Get the message across
Message: To increase Earned income tax credit in Massachusetts to 50% (Talk about the benefits)
It should be written in the third-person objective point of view
Your Audience: Policymakers, state house legislation
Websites to also utilize:
Please do not use any outside resources. Use the ones that are provided only and the website suggested.