Message Packet—Buying and Selling (Individual)
• 750-1,000 words total (in one file with page breaks between messages)
• Written + Visual components
• Use Chapters 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, and 11
You have decided to work for a business that buys and sells antiques and vintage items, and the
boss has hired you based on your knowledge/interests in one specific area. This area could be
anything from vintage clothes to classic video games to car parts.
You want to impress your new employer, so you decide to email one of your contacts and ask if they
will sell a rare piece from their collection to you. The problem is that this piece is one of their
favorites. They have had it for years. You know they will part with it with the right persuasion, but
persuading them will be tough. Once you convince them to sell, you’ll need to convince your new
boss to purchase this item. After you negotiate this purchase, you’ll have to show you can turn the
purchase into profit by advertising the item for sale. Then, because no antique dealer succeeds on
the sale of only one item, you’ll secure your position with the business by showing that you can use
your communication skills to find more items to sell.
To accomplish all of these things, you’ll compose a series of messages that effectively target
different audiences.
Message 1: Write an email to your contact, trying to persuade them to sell the item to you. Getting
this item will require all of your expertise in this area, finesse, and skills of persuasion. Keep in
mind that the antique world relies on bartering as much as it does buying, so there may be things
other than money that you can offer your contact in exchange. Make sure to research values.
Message 2: You have found out that your contact is willing to part with the unique item, which
would be a great addition to your employer’s store. Now you have to convince your new boss to buy
the item. Write a memo to the person in charge of buying that shows them the reasons to buy this
item. Some possible questions to answer are these: How quickly will the item sell? Is it a good deal?
Is it a prestige buy? Are you anticipating a trend, or is this item currently trendy? If the item is
currently trendy, will it maintain value in the long run? You will have to provide some background
on the item to show its significance.
Message 3: Create a Twitter or Facebook post touting this newly acquired item. Remember, your
message has to appeal to as large an audience as possible. The collectors of this item are your core
market, but they shouldn’t be your only market.
Message 4: One of the most important parts of finding items to sell is going out into the world and
asking people if they have what you’re seeking. Obviously, you can’t just go door to door asking
people, “Hey, do you have x?” You need a visual of some kind to help you out. To illustrate the
business’s buying interests, create a flyer that highlights the items sought. The flyer should include
your business’s name, a list of items you’re looking for, and some pictures of various items that
you’d be interested in purchasing. Include anything you think will help spark a person’s memory
enough that they’ll say, “Oh, hey, I think I remember seeing one of those in a box in the attic.”
English 302
Business Communication
To achieve the objectives for this assignment, you must do the following:
• Analyze each audience involved carefully, identifying their expectations and the information
they will need, as well as anticipating their reactions to the news each will receive.
• Plan each message carefully before drafting.
• Order the information in each message effectively and design each message to meet its
audience’s needs.
• Adhere to CCCBS (clear, complete, correct, builds goodwill, and saves time) principles in all
your messages.
• Write each message for maximum you-attitude and positive emphasis at and beyond the
sentence level.
• Use strategies we have studied thus far for positive/informative messages, negative
messages, and persuasive messages.
Please follow these additional instructions:
1. Look carefully at the rubric for this assignment as you plan and draft your work.
2. Save all of your messages in one file, but insert page breaks between the messages.
3. Upload that one file to Canvas.