Analyzing the novel “The Fifth Season”
This essay is an adaptation of the basic writing assignment from chapter 10 of the St. Martin’s Guide. You need to write an essay persuasively arguing for your preferred interpretation of N.K. Jemisin’s novel The Fifth Season (TFS). You should aim to convince readers that your analysis is interesting and contributes to the conversation about the novel. Back up your analysis with supporting quotations and examples from the story. In essence, you are arguing for an interpretation
of the novel, using specific evidence from the novel, a working knowledge of the novel’s plot and context, and at least two additional sources (at least one of these should be an academic source).
Assume your readers have read the book, already have their own thoughts, and that your job is to persuade them that your interpretation is the best one. Back up your interpretation with well-argued reasons and analysis, including the specific approaches outlined below. Make sure you also look at the “Basic Features” of Analyzing Stories:
• A Clear, Arguable Thesis
• A Well-Supported Argument
• A Clear, Logical Organization
Your essay must have a clear organizational structure and demonstrate solid command of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax. The final paper must adhere to MLA format.
Paper Requirements:
• At least one part of your argument should place TFS in a broader cultural context with the
aid of a reputable academic secondary source.
o For this requirement, you may want to consider TFS as a story about race (Blackness
specifically or race in general), as a story about gender, about American history,
about science fiction and fantasy, about power, etc.
• At least one part of your argument should be built on a careful close reading of a specific
passage in TFS; this passage should probably be no more than 2-3 full sentences long.
• Your paper must use Times New Roman 12-point font, 1-inch margins all around.
• Please put your last name and the page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page
(beginning with page 2).
• Include a Works Cited page (The Fifth Season should be on it).
• Meet the required word count of 1,750 words minimum, not including Works Cited page.
• Use MLA formatting throughout the essay and include the word count at the end.