Individual Business Report on H&M :The effects of economic factors on the financial performance of a fashion company listed on the stock market
Based on the results of your financial ratio calculations and analysis, you need to highlight the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and propose realistic recommendations to improve financial performance and sustain its progress.
Report structure
Title page
(not included in the word count): state name, course, unit, report title, number of words,
date submitted, unit leader.
Executive Summary
(not included in the word count). It should briefly outline the scope of the investigation, the method(s) you used in your analysis, your findings, any important issues raised in the discussion, the conclusion and recommendations.
Table of contents
(not included in the word count). Include also a List of Figures, and list of tables show the figure (table) number, caption and the page number, ordered as they appear in the text.
1. Introduction (100 words)
This includes a brief background about the chosen company. You need to include the company’s share price chart for the last 3 years, and provide a commentary on the main movements of the stock over that period.
2. Company Financial Performance (1,050 words)
You are required to conduct an analysis of the financial performance of the company for the past year until now, relying on the results of the financial ratios which are calculated from the financial statements (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow).
It is vital that you assess how the macroeconomic factors (such as inflation / deflation, unemployment, consumer confidence, and economic growth etc.) in the company’s biggest market, have impacted the company’s financial performance, positively or negatively.
In the context of your financial analysis, you should also highlight any weaknesses or strengths emerging, impacting the company overall performance.
Finally, you are required to report your judgment on the likely future general financial condition of the company.
2. Contemporary Issue
Look in the media for an example of a contemporary issue relating to Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest and the environment. Look for issues relating to land use, revival of old ways, traditional rights, issues such as ceded lands access- examples-hunting, gathering, fishing, water issues, mining pollution, climate change, habitat health, human health and disease, etc
Write a page summarizing your issue and include the source- link, article, etc.