Managing for Competitive Advantage
Assessment details:
The assignment 1 is a case study – Refer to the case study described on (CASE STUDY -STEVE JOBS MCA file) fined the attached file
the question to answer in this assignment is: “Was APPLE’s CEO a technocrat?”
Word Limit: 1000 (+/- 10%) excluding Cover, contents, diagrams, charts, bibliography
• These 2 textbooks must be used; the chapters which should be used are with the attachment files
• Lampbel, J. et-al. (2014). The Strategy Process. Concepts, Context, Cases. Pearson. Edinburg. (Chapter 1 pg. 1-20, Chapter 2 pg 28-65 & chapter 3 pg. 65 – 89)
Please find the attached files for those chapters
• Paroutis, S. et-al. (2013). Practicing Strategy. Text and Cases. SAGE. London.
• You must use The Harvard system of referencing. ( please do not try to copy exactly references from any other sources).
• The lecture notes very important it will show what to write about, especially (IMPORTANT- REVOSION WEEK PowerPoint and lecture 4). Finding them with attachment files
Module Title Managing For Competitive Advantage
Assessment Title Case Study Evaluation
Individual/Group Individual
2. project planning and control
Critically discuss the extent to which the success of a project is due to the enactment of solid planning from the onset or whether it is due to the vigilant application of control structures and reporting practices.
Assessment criteria
Quality of the critical discussion of the contribution of planning 40%
Quality of the critical discussion of control practices 40%
Conclusions drawn 10%
Quality of the paper including referencing, flow and sources of information 10%
essay should encompass the following 4 learning objectives:
1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the systems, processes and techniques required to plan and control project.
2. Develop a critical insight into the use of a variety of techniques to enable effective planning and control of projects for effective management of all aspects of a project, including resources, time and cost.
3. Acquire and analyse data and information, and to critically evaluate its relevance and validity.
4. Critically analyse problems and to synthesise a range of appropriate solutions, both recognised and innovative.
There is often debate on whether a project’s success hinges on extensive and detailed planning or whether it is diligent control that brings about the desired results. Planning, and particularly genuine planning, is considered the cornerstone for the success of any project. Nevertheless, it can be a tedious and exhaustive effort. Moreover, uncertainties about future outcomes will always prohibit plans from being complete. Others exhort the value of proper monitoring and control by arguing that projects are little more than a long series of adversities that must be overcome. They underline that quick and effective reporting is the key to dealing with problems and effecting success. The question is commonplace in many working environments which perhaps indicates that the answer depends upon a project’s contextual circumstances. It is an essential part of the development of your approach to project management that you consider this issue and develop your personal perspectives towards it.
only use peer reviewed journals of newer than 2004 from uk or usa only
secondary referencing only
paper should be possess critical analysis
attached documents are use to draw essay from