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Ser ey maT cay, Marie ste Sotring quaaciin: ote BM igen:
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‘Brother? Support your argumoar wit evidence ftom the roms “a
– Welting Yeah 3: The Pacty and Objective Resitty in,
Core question: Can Big Brother decide whas is teal and what is nor? ¥
wring ont ae ae te thea between media cores perception of ay ta
writing your cacay, it may be aseful t consider the following questions. First, be it possible for even a
ery powerful government to cantro{ ine minds of is citizens xo thovonghly that they ao Longer believe
in the faw OF gravity of caber scientific facts? Whal tools does Big Brother use 0 do this, and bow
effective are they? Would these tools work en gut oven ‘Society? Second, what would happen to asociely
without history or scientific knowledge? Would aay kind of progress be Possible? Finally, is there any
evideave that this is happening in our own society? to supporting your arguments, use evidence fran
the newel, other texts, and your own experience.
Writing Task 4; Surveillance and Big Brother
Core question: fs our technology taking us tose ce he sorid of Big Brother?
In a well-organized essay, discuss how ch peng HEY 15 to the potential of Big Brother and
1984. In order to do this, you will need + Gc 77 inedtance technology used by Big Brother,
including its capabitties and limitatiors ice Pate 4 tothe capabilities of current technology. You
Will also need 10 discuss who uses the techick gy aid the purposes for which it 1s used. Finally, if Big
Brother really might be watching us, what can we do to stop it?
Note: You may decide that in order to support your arguments effectively, you need tw do some further
research beyond the novel and the two additional articles