Multiple Choice Questions
Competencies – Part 1
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
1.1 British Transport Police Officers often have to work in partnership with other organisations to combat crime on the rail network. Who do you see as the key BTP partners in achieving this and why are they our key partners? (100 words max) *
4 of 100 words
1.2 Are there any other organisations or people you think BTP do or should work with to combat crime? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Please provide an example of an occasion when you have had to really understand what others have wanted, for you to help them solve a problem?
1.3 Tell us briefly what the problem was and how you became involved? (50 max words) *
0 of 50 words
1.4 How did you know what was needed? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
1.5 What exactly did you do and say? (200 max words) *
0 of 200 words
1.6 What was the outcome? (50 max words) *
0 of 50 words
1.7 What do you think the real cause of the problem was? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Competencies – Part 2
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
2.1 A key aspect of policing the rail network is supporting our partners in their business of delivering an efficient rail network. How do you think any BTP patrol officer can help support rail and train operators deliver that efficiency? (100 words max) *
1 of 100 words
2.2 What specific ideas do you have for ways that you as a BTP officer could better support partners to provide an improved service to rail users? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
When have you made a suggestion for change which has led to a better or more cost effective way of doing things?
2.3 What do you think needed improving and why? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.4 How did you recognise the need for change? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.5 How did you decide what to do? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.6 What exactly did you do? (150 words) *
0 of 150 words
2.7 What other options did you consider? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.8 What was the outcome? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Competencies – Part 3
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
3.1 What core personal values do you feel you share with BTP (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
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3.2 How do you think you developed these core values? (50 max words) *
0 of 50 words
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When have you had to challenge a friend or colleague about their behaviour when they were behaving poorly or not doing a good job?
3.3 Why did you think you needed to speak up? (100 words max) *
0 of 100 words
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3.4 What exactly did you say and do? (250 words max) *
0 of 250 words
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3.5 If you hadn’t acted, what might the implications have been? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
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3.6 What was the outcome? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
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Competencies – Part 4
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
4.1 British Transport Police Officers have to be pro-active in preventing and pre-empting crime on the rail network. What ideas do you have as to how we could use new technology to do this? (100 words max) *
0 of 100 words
4.2 What risks do you see in that approach? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Give us an example of when something hasn’t gone well and when you have taken responsibility for putting things rights?
4.3 What had gone wrong and why? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
4.4 What was the key thing you wanted to achieve (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
4.5 What exactly did you do? (200 words max) *
0 of 200 words
4.6 If you hadn’t acted, what might the implications have been? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Competencies – Part 1
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
1.1 British Transport Police Officers often have to work in partnership with other organisations to combat crime on the rail network. Who do you see as the key BTP partners in achieving this and why are they our key partners? (100 words max) *
4 of 100 words
1.2 Are there any other organisations or people you think BTP do or should work with to combat crime? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Please provide an example of an occasion when you have had to really understand what others have wanted, for you to help them solve a problem?
1.3 Tell us briefly what the problem was and how you became involved? (50 max words) *
0 of 50 words
1.4 How did you know what was needed? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
1.5 What exactly did you do and say? (200 max words) *
0 of 200 words
1.6 What was the outcome? (50 max words) *
0 of 50 words
1.7 What do you think the real cause of the problem was? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Competencies – Part 2
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
2.1 A key aspect of policing the rail network is supporting our partners in their business of delivering an efficient rail network. How do you think any BTP patrol officer can help support rail and train operators deliver that efficiency? (100 words max) *
1 of 100 words
2.2 What specific ideas do you have for ways that you as a BTP officer could better support partners to provide an improved service to rail users? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
When have you made a suggestion for change which has led to a better or more cost effective way of doing things?
2.3 What do you think needed improving and why? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.4 How did you recognise the need for change? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.5 How did you decide what to do? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.6 What exactly did you do? (150 words) *
0 of 150 words
2.7 What other options did you consider? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
2.8 What was the outcome? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Competencies – Part 3
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
3.1 What core personal values do you feel you share with BTP (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
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3.2 How do you think you developed these core values? (50 max words) *
0 of 50 words
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When have you had to challenge a friend or colleague about their behaviour when they were behaving poorly or not doing a good job?
3.3 Why did you think you needed to speak up? (100 words max) *
0 of 100 words
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3.4 What exactly did you say and do? (250 words max) *
0 of 250 words
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3.5 If you hadn’t acted, what might the implications have been? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
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3.6 What was the outcome? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
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Competencies – Part 4
At this stage of the application, it is vital that candidates can demonstrate the core competencies needed to be effective in the role to which you are applying to. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the competencies in order for your application to be proceeded to the next stage. Please answer truthfully, as you may be asked to expand on these examples at assessment. Please pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as these will be assessed.
4.1 British Transport Police Officers have to be pro-active in preventing and pre-empting crime on the rail network. What ideas do you have as to how we could use new technology to do this? (100 words max) *
0 of 100 words
4.2 What risks do you see in that approach? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
Give us an example of when something hasn’t gone well and when you have taken responsibility for putting things rights?
4.3 What had gone wrong and why? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
4.4 What was the key thing you wanted to achieve (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words
4.5 What exactly did you do? (200 words max) *
0 of 200 words
4.6 If you hadn’t acted, what might the implications have been? (50 words max) *
0 of 50 words