Final Analysis
Most of the information you need to complete this analysis can be found in the Year 4 Results spreadsheet for your particular simulation number, however you may also want to access the simulation itself, particularly the Strategy Journal section. The analysis is composed of 10 sections (described below), and while much of it is qualitative, you are encouraged to supplement it with numerical information, especially if it helps you tell your company’s ‘story’.
This analysis should be typed in a Word document and sent directly to me via email (not through Canvas) no later than May 12th. Earlier submissions, however, are quite welcome.
Part 1:
What was your company’s initial Mission Statement?
Part 2:
Describe the Year 1 strategy you devised to meet your Mission Statement. Go into specifics, including the mix of decisions you made and what you expected to achieve (e.g., revenues, profit, units sold, market share, etc.) from them.
Part 3:
Discuss how successful you were in achieving what you hoped to achieve in Year 1. Refer to as many measures as you believe are meaningful measures of your success, such as profit, revenue, units sold, etc.
Part 4:
Discuss how Year 1 results influenced the decisions you made for Year 2. Be as detailed as possible (e.g., talk about what you changed from year 1).
Part 5:
Discuss Year 2 results, focusing not only on how it helped you keep to your Mission but also on how well your Year 2 decisions ‘worked’ (e.g., they got the changes/improvements you wanted).
Part 6:
Describe what you did for Year 3 in response to Year 2 results, again being as detailed as possible.
Part 7:
Discuss Year 3 results, focusing not only on how it helped you keep to your Mission but also on how well your Year 3 decisions ‘worked’ (e.g., they got the changes/improvements you wanted).
Part 8:
Describe what you did for Year 4 in response to Year 3 results, again being as detailed as possible.
Part 9:
Discuss Year 4 results, focusing not only on how it helped you keep to your Mission but also on how well your Year 4 decisions ‘worked’ (e.g., they got the changes/improvements you wanted).
Part 10:
Give an overall assessment of your company’s performance, addressing such questions as: Did I achieve my Mission Statement? And What would I do differently if the simulation started over at Year 1?