Assignment #6: Design of the App
ISYS 184
Assignment #6 consists of one major part:
1. Mockup (Prototype) of your app idea, which you have been working on in the
previous assignments (#4 and #5).
In detail:
1. Design the app: Use a mockup software ( or similar) to design the screen layout,
which corresponds with your To-Be Process in assignment #5. You need to create:
Include your to-be process from assignment #5. Attach the PDF file from assignment
#5, or minor modifications to your to-be process are allowed to better assist you in
your design.
A landing screen (what the app shows once user opens it and logged in if
necessary). 4 points
At least four additional screens (five all together) that shows how the app will
function to support the benefit it is designed to achieve. 16 points
Write a one-paragraph description about how your app solves a problem you
identified. You need to refer to the screens in your screen design and tasks or
gateways in your to-be process. For example, you may say “the second screen shows
available times to choose from, which corresponds to the pick available time task in
the to-be process…” (of course, make it specific to your design). Include a title of this
write up, which should include the name of your app. (e.g. “Save time with
Appointment Scheduler App”. You can submit this write up as a PDF or as a MS
Word file. 5 points
You can use a free online mockup software, such as , which we used in class.
You can sign up for 15 days free trial. This 10 min tutorial is very useful along with the demonstration in
If decide to use other mockup software, you should only use free trial, do not buy full version or enter
credit card information. Other options may be found searching in Google: “free online mobile app
mockup designer” which will sow results such as or or