TASK: you will create a mock health promotion program for a community organization, school, or workplace.
The template is only to follow how the paper should be structured.
All citations need to be peer-reviewed and in APA FORMAT
In-text citations must be used.
Please be sure to use the guide as a reference and cite it.
Examples of health promotion programs
Nutrition Wellness Plan Examples
29. Promote inexpensive healthy food.
30. Ask on-site cafeterias to follow healthy cooking practices.
31. Ask on-site cafeterias to set nutritional standards that align with dietary guidelines for Americans.
32. Provide appropriate portion sizes and provide portion size information via food labeling.
33. Offer healthful food alternatives at meetings, company functions, and health education events.
Physical Activity Wellness Program Examples
2. Offer flexible work hours to allow for physical activity during the day.
3. Support physical activity breaks during the workday, such as stretching or walking.
4. Map out on-site trails or nearby walking routes.
5. Host walk-and-talk meetings.