Science Reported in Media vs. Scholarly Sources
Research Projject:
Science Reported in Media vs. Scholarly Sources
Goals of the Report
− to demonstrate that you are able to research diverse scientific aspects of astronomy
− to compare the quantity and quality of research as reported in popular media sources versus original scholarly research findings
− to communicate your research in a clear and concise manner, with proper English language grammar, demonstrating that you understand the topics presented
Topics of Research
Since astronomy is essentially the study of the whole universe, a wide variety of topics are suitable for this research project. The only topic-suitability requirement is that the scientific research in question is on a subject related to any of the topics studied in our course. as summarized in the Schedule document. The other article-nature requirement is that the research is of an observational nature (i.e. where quantifiable observations/measurements were taken), rather than of theoretical nature (i.e. where only computer models and/or theoretical models were studied, without observational measurements taken). These are very broad topic categories, to allow you the greatest flexibility in finding a suitable research article.
What to Submit
The complete research project will consist of:
• media article (filename: Media_Article) → submitted to the ‘The Rest’ assignment link
• scholarly article (filename: Scholarly_Article) → submitted to the ‘The Rest’ assignment link • your report comparing these two articles, in WORD FORMAT (or other word-editing format that was used to write it up; not pdf!) (filename: Report) → submitted to the ‘Report’ assignment link
How to Submit:
All three files are to be uploaded by the indicated due date in Moodle, in the appropriate submission links, with the proper file names as listed above. Written files should be submitted in MS Word (or other standard editing format. Media and scholarly articles must be attached as full files, in either .doc or .pdf format.
Allowed Publication Date Range for Media Article:
March 7, 2020 – June 7, 2020
Project Due Date:
June 7, 2020
(Note: there is no publication date requirement on the original scholarly articles, although usually they are published in a timeframe close to the media article.)
Media articles used outside of your allowed date range will result in a grade of zero assigned to the media-article component of the project. Late project submissions will result in a 5%-per-day late penalty, up to 1 week from the original deadline.
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Stage 1: Read the ‘SPARK: Academic Integrity’ Resources
This project is to be completed independently by each student. Any academic integrity infractions found in reports will be strictly penalized, from zero on the entire report to any other appropriate penalties as outlined by York policies on academic integrity. Any kind of ‘copying and pasting’ (even if it is referenced) is discouraged – you are meant to conduct your own research and then write it up in your own words. Any copying between classmates will result in a penalty for all parties involved. Before commencing your research, you are required to read in its entirety the Academic Resources for students, posted on the SPARK (Student Papers and Academic Research Kit) website:
Stage 2: Finding the Media Article
You must find an article from an acceptable newspaper or news magazine or other popular media news source that specifically describes the contents of a published scientific research experiment (of a physical/measurable/observable nature, and not theoretical modeling) on any of the appropriate research topics (see page 1). Note that websites which only ‘explain concepts’ in general (eg: How do rainbows form? How does light split into colours? etc) are NOT suitable for this project, as they are not analyzing newly published research.
For help with ideas about appropriate key words to use when searching the media sources, look to the general topics listed in the Schedule. Or, alternatively, you can also simply browse the most recent news stories posted at these media news sources, in the allowed date range, to find one on a suitable topic.
The following are some examples of acceptable media sources for this project:
Science News (, Universal-Sci, Science News Online, Astronomy Magazine, Universe Today, Portal to the Universe, Science/AAAS, Nature, CBC News: Technology & Science, Scientific American, Popular Science, National Geographic News, Science and Technology for Canadians, Maclean’s Magazine, The Toronto Star, Globe and Mail; plus many others!
Media articles must be at least 800 words in length (though longer is better), and should focus on one primary original research experiment/study rather than discussing the results of many different experiments (and/or theoretical papers).
If you need help with determining the suitability of a particular media article, do NOT post the specific article title and/or web address in the Moodle forum. Instead, send an email (including your full name in it, as well as the URL to the actual article itself) to the following address: (Make sure to keep a copy of your email for yourself as back up.) You can expect a response within 2 working days, provided in your original email you’ve also included this required information:
• When was this media article published? (if it’s not between March 7 – June 7, 2020 then it’s not suitable)
• How long is this article? (if it’s not at least 800 words of actual article text then it’s not suitable)
• Which of the major topic units – as listed in our Schedule – do you think it falls into?
• What is the original scholarly journal article on which this media article is reporting? (provide URL)
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(For all other questions about the project, post your general questions in the public Research Project discussion forum in Moodle, or private question by email to
• The York library system allows you to search many newspapers and magazines online from its home page: (You’re not required to use York Library sources only, but instead – should the article you found come from a subscription-based journal for which York does have access, then you may find it helpful for obtaining it there.)
• Particularly helpful database to use in this research is the General Science Abstracts (via Wilson); search for its title on the York Library homepage
• The Steacie Science and Engineering Library is a whole library at York dedicated to science! (It even has real-life librarians who can help you, including remotely: )
• Consult the following useful website from the York Library on how to find articles:
• You can easily make electronic copies of web pages by ‘printing’ them to a .pdf file, with a virtual pdf printer. There are many free programs available that can do this, such as the PrintFriendly web-based service:
Stage 3: Finding the Scholarly Article
Having found the media article, you must now find the original (primary) scholarly article in which this research was first reported. The media article itself should mention the names of the researchers (who may or may not be the authors of the actual media article itself), the title of their original research article (as published in the scholarly journal), and where it was originally published. Note that as a York University student, your library privileges include subscription to an enormous database of journals that normally require a subscription fee. (If you need help with accessing paid-subscription journals with your York U. account, contact a librarian.) If you happened to choose an article from a journal to which York does not have a subscription, then you should look for a new article that is covered by a subscription, instead. You do not need to pay for any special-access articles for this project.
Stage 4: Your Report: Comparing the Science in Media and Scholarly Articles
After reading both the media and the scholarly article, you will now compare them in your own written report. To be complete, your report must address all of the following questions.
1. Complete the following identifier table:
Media Article
Research Article
Title of Article
Source of Article
Date of Publication
Was the research done by
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the author of the article?
Where are the Authors from (if information is available)?
Give the name and location of their place of work.
Note: the contents of this table do NOT count toward the final word/page count limit on your report.
2. Provide a précis (short summary) of each article in your own words. A good way to make sure you write the précis in your own words is to read the article a few times until you feel you understand its content as much as possible, and then put the article away and write the précis without looking at the article. Don’t forgot to articulate the significance of this particular discovery/experiment/study to the broader field of science it’s contributing to. Once you have written the précis, reread it and the article together to make sure you have not missed any important points. If your words seem much simpler than those of the article, so much the better!
3. Describe the structure or format of the article – how is the information presented to the reader? Is the article divided up into sections, and if so what are they? (This applies to both media and scholarly articles).
4. For the media article, how are the experimental results presented? (For example, is it just a general written description, are actual numbers reported, are there tables, graphs, statistics?)
5. Compare the general conclusions of the media article with the general conclusions of the research paper. Do they differ in any way, and if so, how?
6. Does either of the articles criticize the data, criticize the conclusions, provide alternate hypotheses or conclusions to explain the data? If so provide details.
7. Does one article provide criticism or alternate viewpoints that the other article fails to mention? If so, what are they? (For example, do the authors of the research article mention limitations of their research and conclusions that are left out of the media article?)
8. Does the title of the media article accurately reflect the content of both the media article and the research article? If not, provide details.
9. Has this exercise given you any insights into how scientific research is done and reported, or into how the media covers such research? What do you think is the main advantage and disadvantage of new scientific research being presented in media and scholarly articles? (Discuss at least 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage for each media and scholarly article.)
Format and Expectations of the Report
• This is NOT AN ESSAY; therefore, you do not need to have a thesis, or try to ‘prove’ or ‘disprove’ any argument(s). Instead, you are asked to report on the differences between science research as presented in popular media versus scholarly journals. Your report can simply answer each of the numbered items as they are presented above, in a numbered sequence. Do NOT include the text of the questions in your report; simply label each answer with the corresponding question number only.
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• The report should be about 1,500 – 2,000 words, of standard font 12 text, single-spaced.
• There is no particular preferred style of citation that has to be used, as long as your style is consistent. You will use only 2 sources in your report, so citation of them should be quite straightforward.
• Quoting of the articles themselves should be kept to a minimum, and is NOT to be used as ‘content substitute’ of your report (even if it is cited). Your report should consist mostly of your own writing.
• The report should be written with proper English grammar; have your report proofread by someone else who is not in your class (such as your family or friends), especially if English is not your first language.
TurnItIn Submission
Note that your report will be submitted through the Turnitin assignment tool in Moodle, to review it for any instances of possible plagiarism. In order to help you learn from such situations first, the originality report on your submission will be made available to you also, after your first submission. You may re-write and re-submit your report as many times as needed, up to the project deadline, ensuring that your own original written work is the final version submitted for formal evaluation.
Help – Academic Writing
Academic Writing Guide (at the York University Library)
Writing Centre at York University (offering individual writing instruction/tutoring)
SPARK: Student Papers & Academic Research Kit
Help – General Workshops
Check the York Events page to search for any relevant workshops coming up soon:
Visit the Learning Skills section of the CDC website (including workshops):