post has two assignments
The Consensus Model and the Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse
The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in understanding the specific parameters of each advanced practice role. Understanding how your role is defined by the consensus model will assist you in working within your scope of practice.
Write a one page paper in APA format and a work cited page for references, at least 2 references needed. No title page needed. The paper needs to explain and answer in detail the following:
Compare and contrast each of the population focused roles authorized by the nurse practice act in the state of Florida. What are the barriers to practice in this state for each one of the roles?
2: Classroom Management
“Withitness” is a term created by Kounin used to describe a plethora of abilities utilized by an educator to maintain Classroom Management.Do teachers acquire this skill through textbook, trial and error, natural instinct, etc.? On what do you base your decision?
(minimum of 100, APA format, 1 source)
(Kounin, J. (1977). Discipline and group management in classrooms. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston)