Order Description
1. Select one of the following four domains of Jewish life:
• Religion
2. Describe three events, moments, or examples of the domain you’ve selected.
One of the events, moments, or examples should be from the Ancient Period; one should be from the Modern Period; and the third may be from any time period.
Consider the Ancient Period to comprise the years ending about 500 C.E. and the Modern Period to comprise the years 1500 C.E. to the present. The Medieval Period, thus, should be considered to begin at about 500 C.E. and to end at about 1500 C.E.
Discuss and describe only a PORTION of each time period you select. Limit the duration of each time period you discuss to a maximum of 300 years.
3. Discuss the circumstances or context in which each event took place.
4. Suggest some of the factors that helped produce the events, moments, or examples you’ve described.
5. compare and contrast the factors you have discussed across your three time periods in order to suggest some of the things that have shaped Jewish history, experience, culture, and society.