Apply Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory to cyberbullying in adolescence
Using Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory as the primary theory of the essay, consider the factors which contribute to, and sustain cyberbullying behaviour among adolescents. Your essay should be a review of the relevant literature – • What is the issue you are examining? Define bullying and cyberbullying. • Discuss relevant theory – primarily Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems theory. • Indicate what current research focuses on and review findings. • Consider societal implications – e.g., need for intervention, education, policy. • Provide an applied perspective to the topic – what are the implications of the ecological systems for intervention. • There should be a critical element to the essay – review the literature rather than merely describing it. ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES: 1. Show an ability to present the literature in relation to your topic in a clear and concise manner. 2. Demonstrate that you can define the central issue. 3. Apply relevant theory to the topic. 4. Consider the applied value of the theoretical and research literature.