After reading Schaeffer’s text, please do the following:
•Write a three-page paper that uses the first two pages to summarize the main ideas that the author presents and the third page to give your response to those ideas.
Please format as a normal paper, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font, no title page necessary. Please save as a Word document and label in the following manner: Wk 5
Paper_Your Name.
Here’s the grading rubric for the Art & the Bible paper:
– summary content (how well did you summarize the main points?) 1-10 pts
– response content (how thoughtful was your response to the author’s ideas?) 1-10 pts
– style (is the paper well organized? do the ideas flow together well?) 1-5 pts
– grammar 0-5 pts (minus 1 for each error to maximum of 5