Australia’s first bilateral investment treaty (BIT)
The negotiating history leading to Australia’s first bilateral investment treaty (BIT) (with China (1988)) and potentially China’s first BIT (with Sweden (1982)):
• The relative positions of Australia and China, in economic terms, at the time the treaty was negotiated and now.
• The investment flows between Australia and China – a graph showing this say for the period 1980 – present? And what impact (if any) the BIT had on investment flows between the two countries.
You could use those webs: Chinese outward financial flows) (from ANU – Chinese investment in Australia 2014-2017)
2. Assignment 3: Presentation
Presentation Guideline
Identify the topic/issue
Key terms and definitions
Positive and negatives of early learning in the selected topic
Importance of any appropriate guidelines surrounding your topic/issue
Potential challenges and issues faced by educators and children in your selected topic
Relate your discussion of topic/issue to the current context of early childhood education in the UAE
Make sure that you refer to the readings
2 peer-reviewed journal articles
1 book chapter or 1 reputable newspaper article
3. The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
misconceptions omissions or defeciencies about Jainism in the article about Jainism in The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Elaborate upon each defeciency.
4. Is an eyewitness a reliable form of witness to a trial? Support your answer by critically examining