Paper details:
Write a 3000 word paper using no more than six sources including at least three academic sources. Academic
sources include peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles, academic books which are edited and published by a
university press, and science-based magazines such as “Nature,” “Scientific American,” and “Smithsonian.”
Use APA style for citations within the text of your paper and in your bibliography. Make sure you understand
this requirement. You do not need to write an abstract or use headers/footers.
Keep in mind:
Your title page and bibliography do not count toward your total pages. And you must submit your bibliography
along with the final paper.
Wikipedia is not a valid source because anyone can edit a page. Do not use Wikipedia as a source. However,
you might use it to get some ideas or sources.
Make sure you have read Highland Community College’s policy on academic misconduct and that you
understand the meaning of plagiarism. Plagiarized papers will receive a zero!
Turn in your assignment in Microsoft Word. I cannot download other formats.
Bio-Cultural Anthropology: The environment’s effect on skin color and the cultural adaptations to offset it.
Make sure you discuss environmental effects on light-skinned people in an equatorial environment and dark-
skinned people in areas of low sunlight.