GBL 295 – Buffalo Creek Disaster Writing Assignment (Spring, 2015)
As discussed in class, by the last day of finals week (May 8, 2015) you are to read
The Buffalo Creek Disaster and turn-in a typed paper (double spaced) addressing each of
the following questions/issues:
(1) A minimum of ten (10) impressions, reactions, or take-away comments from
the book;
(2) Your reaction to the outcome of the case;
(3) Your personal assessment of the ethical conduct of Gerald M. Stern
(attorney), K.K. Hall (Judge), Pittson, the management of Buffalo Creek, and
any other character/participant in the story;
(4) How the case/story has impacted your view of the legal system (has it reaffirmed
what you thought or, perhaps, changed your view?);
(5) Knowing what you now do, what would you advise Attorney Stern (or
someone in his position), if a case like this were to occur again?
You may turn your paper in to me personally any time through May 8th, or you may
upload the paper to D2L. You will be required to sign an honor certificate that you read
the book and personally drafted the paper you hand-in. Feel free to email me if you have
any questions. There can be no extensions granted for this assignment, as my grades are