Foundations of Criminal Procedure and Law
Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric
This Portfolio Project is worth 20% of your grade
Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following:
Course Outcomes
Define the elements and defenses required for classification of criminal acts
Consider the ethical issues impacting the practices of criminal law and procedure
Program Outcomes
Prepare and evaluate reports, memos, and other documents to meet the professional standards of the justice system or private security field.
Institutional Outcomes
Information Literacy and Communication – Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
Rational Learning- Learning through pure understanding of the material and understanding the connection between the mechanisms of the material.
Thinking Abilities – Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning – Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Community and Career – Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
Deliverable items for the Portfolio Project will be required at different points during the course. Details for each submission are included below in the Deliverable Descriptions.
The classification of criminal acts has been around for several decades but continues to grow and change to accommodate current world perspectives and continue to assist with the hopes of decreasing incarceration rates and increasing rehabilitation rates. Ethical issues are also constantly present and a continuously changing contingent on different events in society and what is happening around the world. While ethical issues can be addressed, they still pose barriers to the ability to properly utilize the practices of criminal law and procedure.
Based on the new offenders coming into your correctional facility, your supervisor has assigned you to complete research on the current ethical issues and how they relate to the classification of criminal acts. You will construct a research paper for your supervisor and deliver a video presentation of the collected data. Upon collecting and presenting this data, you and your Supervising Correctional Officer will be able to better understand the importance of classifying offenders and how ethical issues directly relate to these classifications within your facility.
For this project, you will identify one classification for each criminal act (felony, misdemeanor, and violation) and two ethical issues (balancing power and authority, necessary force, profiling, etc.) that directly impacts the practice of criminal law and procedure. In addition, you will need to provide the elements needed and the defenses available for the chosen criminal acts. You will then perform research on your three classifications and ethical issues and share, in a research paper of a minimum of 750 words, the advantages and disadvantages to the classification you chose, how to properly address the current ethical issues, and what may be contributing factors to those issues. You will also deliver a video presentation, to your Supervising Correctional Officer, with an overview of your findings from your research paper. Your video presentation should be 3-4 minutes in length
For specific grading information, please refer to the appropriate Portfolio Project Grading Rubric.
Deliverable Descriptions
Week 2: Outline of Research Paper
Due by the end of Week 2 at 11:59 pm, ET.
Create an outline (this can be short bulleted lists) for each of the three classifications in the following format. The Classification, two ethical issues related to that classification, the elements required and the defenses available and submit to Blackboard when complete:
[Felony] Classification
Ethical Issue 1
Ethical Issue 2
Elements Required
Defenses Available
Week 6: Rough Draft Submission
Due by the end of Week 6 at 11:59 pm, ET.
After reviewing feedback from your instructor in your Week 2 submission, incorporate the feedback making sure to address all questions below. Transitioning from outline to research paper, include your introduction, conclusion, reference page in APA format and submit to Blackboard.
Assess the importance of establishing the classification of criminal acts. Develop how the classification relates to the ethical issue.
Define the elements needed for the classification.
Explain the defenses associated with the classification.
Classify the relationship between the classification & the ethical issues you’ve chosen.
Elaborate on the ethical issues as to how they came to be and why they continue to influence society, today.
Integrate what can be done to help address and resolve these ethical issues?
Compare and contrast both the advantages and disadvantages how the ethical issues impact the law?
Identify the available defenses for the classification chosen.
Week 7.5: Final Submission to ePortfolio and Video Presentation
Due by the end of Week 7.5 at 11:59 pm, ET.
This week is the final submission of your Portfolio Project. You will be submitting your final written paper as well as a video overview of your findings. Incorporate instructor feedback from previous weeks, make any additional corrections, and submit to your ePortfolio.
This is a professional video presentation. You are presenting your findings to your Supervising Correctional Officer. Your video presentation should include information you have already gathered and presented in your paper. Your presentation should be 3 – 4 minutes in length and provide an overview of information previously gathered on the classification and ethical issues of the criminal acts addressed.
Questions to address in your video presentation:
Provide the classifications you researched.
Examine the elements needed and defenses available for the classifications
Discuss and evaluate the ethical issues you reviewed for each classification.
Formulate suggestions on how to minimalize the ethical issues found for each classification.
Upload your Portfolio Project to the Program Outcome in your ePortfolio listed below. Use the following naming convention: CRJU235 – Portfolio Project:
“Adapt and apply information technology knowledge, skills, and abilities to justice applications.”
For directions on how to upload your project to your ePortfolio, please see Student Resources in Blackboard on the navigation pane.
Week 7.5: Reflection
Due by the end of Week 7.5 at 11:59 pm, ET.
For the final piece of your Portfolio Project, in a 1-page word document, you will reflect upon the course and how it directly relates to the identified outcomes of this course.
For this reflection:
Analyze the importance of this project and how it will help in your future career.
In your own words reflect on how this project meets the Course and Program Outcomes stated on the first page.
Upload and submit your final reflection. For specific grading information, please refer to the Portfolio Project Grading Rubric.
CRJU235 Portfolio Project Grading Rubric
Criteria Excellent Average Needs Improvement Points
50 points 35 – 50 points
Identifies three different leveled classifications, provides two ethical issues related to each classification identified. Student addresses the elements needed and the available defenses to each classification. Student fully discusses the importance of having classifications and how they relate to ethical issues. 20 – 34 points
Student is missing one of the classifications, ethical issues, elements, or defense for the classifications identified. Student does not fully discuss the importance of having classifications and how they relate to ethical issues. 0 – 19 points
Student is missing more than one of the classifications, ethical issues, elements, or defense for the classifications identified. Student briefly discusses the importance of having classifications and how they relate to ethical issues but does not completely address the information.
20 points 19 – 20 points
The paper flows and is organized as per the outline provided. An Introduction and Conclusion are provided. Three identified sections provided for each of the classifications addressed. Reference page with a minimum of three scholarly resources. 10 – 18 points
The paper, for the most part flows and is organized as per the outline provided. One of the major sections is missing from the paper, introduction, conclusion, or one of the three identified sections provided for each of the classifications. Reference page provides two scholarly resources. 0 – 9 points
The paper does not flow and is not organized as per the outline provided. More than one of the major sections is missing from the paper, introduction, conclusion, and/or one of the three identified sections provided for each of the classifications. Reference page provides less than two scholarly resources.
APA / Grammar
15 points 10 – 15 points
The submission has zero grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The page requirement has been met (4-5). Paper is in APA format with title page, references, and body of paper is sectioned correctly. References are listed in APA format and at least 3 scholarly sources were utilized. Authentic work, nothing copy and pasted. 5 – 9 points
The submission has 4-5 grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. The page requirement has not been. Paper is close to being in APA format. Missing title or reference page, or body of paper is not sectioned correctly. References are listed in APA format, but only 2 references were utilized. Authentic work, nothing copy and pasted. 0 – 4 points
The submission has 6 or more grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. The page requirement has not been met Paper is not in APA format. References are not in APA format, less than 2 scholarly references utilized.
Instructor Comments: Total
CRJU235 Portfolio Project Video Presentation Rubric
Criteria Excellent Average Needs Improvement Points
10 points 9 – 10 points
The student’s presentation addresses the three classifications addressed. The student provides a thorough overview on the information gathered for the classifications. The student also provides a thorough and deep examination of the ethical issues address in the research. Additionally, the student shows a correlation between the ethical issues and the three classifications presented. 5 – 8 points
The student’s presentation addresses two of the three classifications addressed. The student provides an overview on the information gathered for the classifications. The student also provides an examination of the ethical issues address in the research. Additionally, the student shows a correlation between the ethical issues and the three classifications presented. 0 – 4 points
The student’s presentation addresses one or none of the three classifications addressed. The student provides a brief overview on the information gathered for the classifications. The student also provides an examination of only one of the ethical issues addressed in the research. A correlation is not made between the ethical issues and classifications.
5 points 5 points
The student is easily understood, does not use words like, “um,” is professional in appearance, and engaging to watch. The presentation flows and the student transitions naturally between ideas. The student makes excellent use of different inflections, appears enthusiastic, speaks in different tones, and appears comfortable throughout the presentation. 3 – 4 points
The student is easily understood, but may make use of words like “um.” The student attempts to use different inflections, changes tone occasionally, varies tone, and appears comfortable throughout the presentation. 0 – 2 points|
The student makes excessive use of words like, “um.” The presentation may be stilted or jarring and the speaker is monotone throughout. The student appears uncomfortable throughout the presentation.
Instructor Feedback Total Points
CRJU235 Portfolio Project Reflection Grading Rubric
Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Points
75 points 49 – 75 points
The submission addresses both questions for the reflection and identifies all program outcomes. The submission will provide an overview of the course and provide specific information that was learned within the last seven weeks. 29 – 48 points
The submission answers both parts of the reflection; but lack in the response, not identifying all program outcomes. The submission focuses on the PowerPoint Project and does not incorporate the entire course. 0 – 28 points
The submission does not answer all parts of the reflection. The explanations regarding the reflection questions are not complete and lack full responses. The program outcomes are not identified.
Grammar and Mechanics
25 points 15 – 25 points
The submission has zero grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The page requirements have been met (1-2 pages). The font was not enlarged nor adjusted. There is proper paragraph spacing; open with introduction and closes with a conclusion. 6 – 14 points
The submission has 4 – 5 grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. The page requirements have been met (1-2 pages). The font was not enlarged nor adjusted. There is proper paragraph spacing; but may not have provided an introduction and conclusion. 0 – 5 points
The submission has 6 or more grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. The minimum page requirement has not been met. Font size was enlarged and/or adjusted.
Instructor Comments: Total Points: