Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making (CRDM) Module
Assessment and Re-Assessment Brief
This handbook provides details of the assessment strategy for Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making and the knowledge and skills that will be required for the assessment task.
The following pages include:
„h Assessment and Re-assessment information
„h Marking criteria
Summative assessments
Summative assessments are mandatory assessment tasks that assess learning relevant to the module content and provide the final mark for that module.
On completion of this module students are required to select a case study from clinical practise to present their in depth underpinning knowledge of the theory of clinical reasoning and through utilization of problem solving and information gathering skills you will be able to critically discuss the application of clinical decision making in practice. You will explore factors which influence information gathering, clinical decision making looking at the wider service provision and biopsychosocial aspects of your clinical case study. You will be able to demonstrate an ability to reflect on your experience from the case study and the impact of your learning on the module and how you have or will develop further as a Healthcare Professional.
To pass this module you must perform to a satisfactory level against the following learning outcomes:
Learning Outcome
Critically review the theoretical basis of clinical reasoning and explore which factors can influence the gathering of patient information and how that may impact upon clinical decision making
Explore which factors can influence patient information gathering and how that may impact upon clinical decision making.
Reflect on the application of clinical decision making in practice.
For more guidance as to how these learning outcomes will be specifically assessed, please refer to the marking grid on the following pages. The pass mark for the assessment is 40%; therefore, the pass criteria can be found in the ’40-49′ banding (in bold). The learning outcomes that are being assessed are identified at the left hand side of each row.
Learning Outcome
Critically review the theoretical basis of clinical reasoning and explore which factors can influence the gathering of patient information and how that may impact upon clinical decision making
No discussion, definition or understanding of Clinical Reasoning.
Few, or irrelevant factors were identified which would influence information gathering.
Links between patient information gathering and clinical decision making were inaccurate or not identified
A basic definition of clinical reasoning but this is superficial with inconsistencies or errors. The work demonstrates an inadequate interpretation or understanding which may be irrelevant or not linked to your case study
There were inadequate links between patient information gathering and clinical decision making.
A basic understanding of a critical understanding of clinical reasoning is explored at satisfactory level with minor errors or omissions.
Satisfactory level of relevant key factors discussed. Links made between patient information gathering and clinical decision making were appropriate.
The work demonstrates a competent level of a critical understanding of clinical reasoning mainly limited to core texts. Identified competent levels of the key factors relating to Clinical Reasoning were critically explored.
You identified at a competent level the relevant key factors which influenced your information gathering.
Links are made between patient information gathering and clinical decision making which were appropriate and clearly discussed.
The work demonstrates a detailed interpretation and understanding of the knowledge base with examples of good debate, evaluation and judgement in relation to critical Clinical Reasoning were explored or comparison of models.
You were able to identify a detailed interpretation of the key factors which influence your information gathering.
Links were clearly made between patient information gathering and clinical decision making. Which were appropriate and clearly discussed an attempt to critically discuss its impact on your approach was given.
The work demonstrates an in-depth interpretation and understanding of the knowledge base with examples of excellent debate, evaluation and judgement in relation to critical evaluating clinical Reasoning which was explored with an in-depth critical discussion or comparison of models. You have used literature to support your argument/ discussion throughout.
You were able to identify an in-depth discussion of the key factors which influence your information gathering and have made succinct links which were clearly made between patient, information gathering, and clinical decision making. Discussion was appropriate and clearly discussed, you were critically able to discuss information gathering and the literature/ research which is included throughout.
The work demonstrates an in-depth interpretation and understanding of the knowledge base with examples of outstanding debate, evaluation and judgement in relation to critical evaluating clinical Reasoning which was explored with an in-depth critical discussion or comparison of models. You have used literature to support your argument/ discussion throughout.
You were able to identify an outstanding depth discussion of the key factors which influence your information gathering and have made succinct links were clearly made between patient information gathering and clinical decision making. Discussion was appropriate and clearly discussed, critically able to discuss information gathering and the literature/ research which is included throughout.
Learning Outcome 2
Explore which factors can influence patient information gathering and how that may impact upon clinical decision making.
There is poor or inaccurate evaluation of the wider factors impacting on the case scenario in regard to information gathering.
There is no evidence of the impact upon your clinical reasoning or patient centred care.
Discussion is inadequate or superficial evaluation around the wider factors impacting on the case scenario in regard to information gathering. There is inadequate discussion on the impact upon your clinical reasoning and patient centred care with inconsistencies or errors.
There is satisfactory awareness and evaluation of the wider factors with satisfactory level of discussion of the impact on the case scenario regarding information gathering. The impact upon your clinical reasoning and patient centred care with minor errors.
You have selected outcome measures which are appropriate to the case scenario with no attempt to evaluate.
Satisfactory reference/ citations used.
There is competent level of awareness and evaluation of wider factors impacting on the case scenario regarding information gathering and impact upon your clinical reasoning and patient centred care.
You have selected outcome measures which are appropriate to the case scenario with superficial attempt to evaluate.
You have made competent reference/ citations partly through your presentation.
You have identified detailed interpretation and understanding of wider factors impacting on the case scenario regarding information gathering and you have discussed a detailed understanding of the impact upon your clinical reasoning and patient centred care.
You have selected outcome measures which are appropriate to the case scenario with minimal attempt to evaluate.
References/ citations to literature/ research throughout your work.
There is a comprehensive critical evaluation of wider factors impacting on the case scenario. In regards to information gathering There is an excellent extrapolation impact upon your clinical reasoning and patient centred care.
You have selected and evaluated the appropriateness of outcome measures to the case scenario.
In-depth Literature/ research are included throughout your work.
There is an outstanding critical evaluation of wider factors impacting on the case scenario. In regards to information gathering There is an excellent extrapolation of the impact upon your clinical reasoning and patient centred care.
You have selected and evaluated the appropriateness of outcome measures to the case scenario.
Outstanding depth Literature/ research are included throughout your work.
The work demonstrates a poor response to
The work demonstrates an inadequate
You were able to demonstrate some reflection
You were able to demonstrate competent
You were able to demonstrate detailed
You were able to demonstrate comprehensive insightful
You were able to demonstrate comprehensive insightful reflection on your
Learning Outcome 3
Reflect on the application of clinical decision making in practice.
given problems. There is no application to practice. Insight/ reflection are not evident. No evaluation of the impact of your reflection and learning on your future practice or patient centred care was made.
Organisation and presentation is poor and guidance has not been followed. Sentence structure and grammar indicate a poor level of skill
Where relevant Ideas have not been communicated well (verbally and/ or visually).
response to given problems. It is not applied to practice and insight/ reflection is not evident. With no clear links to your future development as a practitioner or your practice.
Organisation and presentation is inadequate and guidance has not been followed. Sentence structure and grammar indicate an inadequate level of skill
Where relevant some Ideas have been communicated (verbally and/ or visually) but this was not always clear
but these were not always evident around the impact of your learning and have demonstrated minimal links to your future development as a practitioner or your future practice.
Organisation and presentation is satisfactory and guidance has been generally followed. Sentence structure and grammar indicate a satisfactory level of skill
Where relevant Ideas have been communicated (verbally and/ or visually) mainly in a clear, balanced way.
reflection on your learning and have demonstrated competent links to your future development as a practitioner and or your practice with regards to patient centred care.
Organisation and presentation is competent and all guidance has been followed. Sentence structure and grammar indicate a good level of skill
Where relevant Ideas have been communicated (verbally and/ or visually) clearly and in a balanced and often in an engaging manner
understanding through reflection on your learning and have demonstrated and made a detailed discussion of your future development as a practitioner and or your practice with regards to patient centred care.
Organisation and presentation is good and all guidance has been followed. Sentence structure and grammar indicate a good level of skill
Where relevant Ideas have been communicated (verbally and/ or visually) clearly and in a balanced and mainly engaging manner
reflection on your learning and have demonstrated and made links which are in-depth and critical to your future development as a practitioner and or service delivery with regards to patient centred care.
Organisation and presentation is very good and all guidance has been followed. Sentence structure and grammar indicate a very good level of skill
Where relevant Ideas have been communicated (verbally and/ or visually) clearly and in a balanced and engaging manner
learning and have demonstrated and made links which are in-depth and critical to your future development as a practitioner and or service delivery with regards to patient centred care.
Organisation and presentation is outstanding and all guidance has been followed. Sentence structure and grammar indicate a high level of skill.
Where relevant Ideas have consistently been communicated (verbally and/ or visually) in a very clear , balanced and engaging manner
Formative Assessment Task- informs the summative
A formative assessment is designed to help support students with their understanding of the requirements of their summative assessment.
You will be required in your formative session to write a group presentation on a class case study which will be given to you in class.
You will be required to present a 15 minute presentation to your class on the case study in relation to the marking criteria and the assessment brief; each student will be required to take lead on an aspect of the presentation.
Student peers will mark your group presentation using the marking criteria and feedback they mark and key points to support students understanding of the marking criteria and the requirement of the assessment.
This process will support students to:
„h Develop communication skills.
„h Engage with an electronic presentation format.
„h Design an electronic presentation.
„h Plan Presentation and maintain timings.
„h Use team skills to ensure equal participation.
„h Understand the assessment brief and marking criteria.
„h Be able to give constructive feedback.
Resources to support Presentation skills
Resources to support your academic work and presentation skills can be found on “the Sills Centre” via the Library gateway.
All students have access to – an online library of video tutorials to help you improve your IT skills or learn something new. This can help with your presentation skills or how to use presentation software.
Support with your academic skills in general can be found v vai Skills4Study
Summative Assessment Task 20 credits
In order to pass Clinical Reasoning and Decision Making, you must complete and pass a 20 minute presentation and additional 10 minute question time from the examiner on a clinical case scenario.
Your presentation may take any electronic of format, but please check with the module leader to ensure we have the right technology to display it. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all electronic submissions are accessible and not corrupted.
You should plan your presentation to last 20 minutes and should be submitted by the date set on the assessment scheduler.
The duration of the live presentation will be 20 minutes; students will be given a reasonable warning, at 1 minute before the end of a 20 minute presentation and then allowed a reasonable additional time (i.e. a further minute) before being asked to stop your presentation. You will be asked to stop the presentation at 21 minutes. At the end of the presentation the examiner will have 10 minutes to ask questions around your clinical case study.
Preparing your Case Study for the Presentation and Viva
You are required to select a case study from your previous clinical experience prior to commencing UK study or from the case study list provided by the module team.
„h Students will prepare and deliver a presentation in line with the guidance on the marking criteria.
„h Outline an understanding of Clinical reasoning models and identified a model used in the cases study which is criteria evaluated.
„h Identified key factors influencing the clinical reasoning specific to the patient and the information gathering process and how this could influence you processing.
„h Wider factors identified in relation to your clinical case study,
„h The Biopsychosocial model is considered and communicated.
„h Wider factors (ie. clinical environment/ service restriction) which could have or did influence on the case scenario; how these could have or did influence your information gathering, clinical decision making and management of the patient. These factors could be but are not limited to: Limitations or barriers to accessing services or the service delivery, service or pathway of care, human factors, conflict resolution, shared goals and clinical decision making and effective patient management. Multiple service delivery and sharing of information. Having an understanding of the biopsychosocial model of care and how management planning can directly impact on our clinical decision making, service deliver and or management of the patient.
„h You were able to identify and critically discuss outcome measures within the service / patient management.
„h You have demonstrated reflection by evaluating your learning and development; this could be how the module has impacted on your clinical practise and if /or how it might impact on your learning as a healthcare student or your future professional practise. Reflective practise will be covered in the teaching content students will be required to go through a reflective process or reflective cycle to help guide them through the process and identify key learning or learning needs, this will need to be clearly communicated within the assessment but the student will not be required to state in the assessment which reflective tool they have chosen.
Presentation guidance
For a 20 minute Presentation you want to be aiming for no more than 6 slides for content (not including your front cover and references slide) this gives you approximately 3 minutes per slide.
„h Front slide (similar to a front cover of an assignment) with the Module title, Summative Assignment, date of exam, Student name and Student Number.
„h slide 1:
Introduce your Case study ensure you comply with Data Protection and confidentiality (see guidance below). Case study information that could be a included: A pseudonymisation of the patient/ age/ presenting problems/ reason for referral or admission if appropriate.
„h Slide 2:
Introduce a critical discussion of Clinical reasoning and its importance within clinical care and identify the process in which you identified with in the given case study. Refer to Learning Outcome 1.
„h Slide 3:
Identify the wider factors impacting on the case scenario and how these impacted on information gathering/ patient assessment/ management and or multidisciplinary approach to care. refer to Learning Outcome 1 and 2
„h Slide 4:
Relate this back to a clinical decision making model how did these factors impact on your care/ information gathering and the process of clinical decision making bringing a critical review of models into the discussion and justification as to the model you relate to in the case study, this be a critical discussion of the limitations on the model you have identified with. Refer to Learning Outcome 2.
„h Slide 5:
Reflection: To present a key summary of learning and development from your reflection, reflecting back on the case study in light of the module. Reffer to Learning Outcome 3.
Slide 6:
If needed.
„h Reference Slide: Use the APA referencing guide via the library Gateway to present all you’re referred to literature.
„h Optional Bibliography Page:
You will receive audio feedback which will refer to all 3 learning outcomes. Each learning outcome is equally weighted and you will receive an overall mark for the module.
If you do not pass the 1st attempt you will have the opportunity of In Module Retrieval (IMR) before the exam board. This would follow the same structure of
the 1st attempt, using the same case study and/or selected practical scenario(s). IMR is an optional attempt; students must inform the module leader if they wish to take IMR.
If you choose not to take In Module Retrieval or you do not pass 1st attempt as well as the IMR attempt, you will have a final attempt after the exam board. You will follow the same format as the 1st attempt but the case scenario must be different.
In order to maintain confidentiality of the case study, the location of the case study and any other team members should be anonymous at all times.
There is no need to copy patient’s notes or personal details in order to complete the assessment.
As a student in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, you are required to reflect on your practice based experience for some of your assessments.
In order to do this you need to recount a certain amount of information about situations you have been in and people you have worked with. We have very strict rules about confidentiality in our academic work. You are required to remove any organisational names, any reference to specific locality so that the specific practice area cannot be traced. If you are reflecting on people, service users or professionals you have worked with you are again required to completely anonymise the content so that no names are used and there is no information which may make the person identifiable. This can mean that you have to change details but it usually also means that you leave out any distinctive information about an individual which might make them recognisable to someone else.
Breaching confidentiality or ethics requirements is a form of academic misconduct. Serious and/or repeated breaches come within the remit of the Academic Conduct Panel (ACP). When considering a case, the ACP will follow the procedures outlined in the Cheating Regulations.
For further information please read the University Academic Conduct Regulation,