Write a 4,000 word (maximum) account of what a revised leaming/‘teaching practice with/without technology would look like- Support your revisions by drawing
on readings, class discussions, and other conversations-
Design: With this ideal practice, describe the use of technology (existing or envisioned) that would supplement the practice and any challenges or limitations
of this technology. Articulate the assumptions about learning and the design of learning environments that you would use in this ideal learning practice-
Justify each assumption with an argument as to why it is superior to the other scenarios you have previously listed in your paper (i-e- the actual practice and
the alternative scenarios you envisioned) and other common formats of similar learning practices- With this ideal practice, describe the use of technology
(existing or envisioned) that would supplement the practice and any challenges or limitations of this technology-
Assessment:Assuming you had the authority and resources to create an ideal approach to your selected learning practice, write a brief description of how
you would know ifyou had been successful in creating an “ideal” learning practice- Consider the following questions: Under an ideal approach, what would
learning look like? How would you know ifthe learning practice was effective? How would you know ifyou had succeeded in creating an ideal learning
practice? In this section, describe how you might define and measure the success of your ideal learning practice, referring to the assessment frameworks
presented in the second on-site week-
Discussion: If you wish, you may also reflect on real-world limitations that would constrain your ability to create and implement an ideal practice- You also
have the option of choosing NOT to integrate technology, in which case you would provide reasons based on literature on why that is the case- Consider the
following questions in your discussion: Under an ideal approach, what would learning look like? How would you know ifthe learning practice was effective?
How would you know ifyou had succeeded in creating an ideal learning practice?