Critically analyse and evaluate the impact of social determinants of health on health and wellbeing.
Introduction to the Module
• Whatthemodulewillcover(summaryofcontent)
• Whatknowledgeand/orskillsyoushouldhaveacquiredoncompletion(learningoutcomes)
• Whatadditionalgenericskillsyouwillalsohavedeveloped(transferrableskills)
• Howyourlearningwillbedelivered(teachingandlearningstrategy)
• Recommendedbooks,journals,articlesetc(indicativereading)
• Whatyourassessmentwillconsistof(assessmentmethods)
1.1 Module Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
1 Critically analyse and evaluate the impact of social determinants of health on health and wellbeing.
2 Provide a critical discussion which demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of community development and empowerment.
3 Critically analyse and evaluate the relationship between communication and public involvement in relation to public health service provision.
4 Synthesise knowledge from a range of sources to discuss partnership working.
5 Critically discuss and evaluate the application of public health theory to social action explaining the relevance to public health practice development.
1.2 Module Syllabus
• Social determinants of health
• Principles and practice of community development and social action
• Communication
• Developing capacity, capability and sustainability with and within communities
• Partnership working for Health Improvement
2 Assessment
2.1 Summative Assessment
There is one assessment associated with the module, which is a coursework assignment of 3,000 words. This will enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved all of the learning outcomes of the module.
2.1.1 The Summative Question
In a 3,000 word essay critically evaluate how public health practitioners can utilise social action approaches to address one identified health issue in an area of your choice. This essay should critically evaluate how the social determinants of health can impact on the identified health problem and how the principles and practice of community development can be employed to work with the community to address this issue.
Please note that you are able to exceed the word limit by 10%, which gives you a maximum of 3300 words. However, if you go over 3300 words, this will incur a penalty, resulting in your mark being reduced by 10%
2.2 MarkingCriteria
The assessment will be marked out of 100% and will be weighted as 100% of the final mark. The pass mark is 50%. Comments will be provided electronically via GCULearn in relation to the following criteria:
• Logical Development /10%
o The structure of the essay which includes logical development of the topic, fluency, presentation and referencing.
• Critical Analysis and Evaluation /50%
o Extent to which the essay demonstrates critical analysis and evaluation of relevant and contemporary literature to generate a logical argument.
• Knowledge and Understanding /30%
o Extent to which the content demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the subject area.
• Application of Theory /10%
o Extent to which the essay considers application of knowledge /relevant theory to support the argument.
Please refer to appendix 1, for information on SCQF level 11 marking criteria
Reading list
2.3 Recommended Reading:
Core texts:
DONALDSON, L.J. & RUTTER, P.D., 2018. Donaldsons’ Essential Public Health. 4th ed. London: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group
ORME, J., POWELL, J., TAYLOR, GREY, M., 2007. Public Health for the 21st Century: New perspectives on policy, participation and practice. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University
2.4 Further Reading:
• BAGGOTT R. (2010) Public Health: Policy and Politics (2nd edition) Palgrave Macmillan.
• BARR, J. & DOWDING, L., 2019. Leadership in Health Care. 4th edition. London: Sage
• BARTLEY, M., 2016. Health Inequality: an introduction to concepts, theories and methods. 2nd ed. Policy Press
• BHOPAL, R., 2008. Concepts of Epidemiology: Integrating the ideas, theories, principles and methods of epidemiology. 2nd ed.Berkshire: Oxford University Press.
• COLES, L. & PORTER, E., 2009. Public Health Skills: A practical Guide for Nurses and Public Health Practitioners. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
• DEW, K., SCOTT, A. & KIRKMAN., 2016. Social, Political and Cultural Dimensions of Health. Switzerland; Springer International
• GRAHAM, H., 2007. Unequal Lives: Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities. Berkshire: Oxford University Press.
• GRAY, M., 2009, Evidence-based health care and public health: how to make decisions about health services and public health, Churchill Livingstone.
• GREEN, J. CROSS, R., WOODALL, J. & TONES, K., 2019. Health Promotion: planning and strategies. 4th ed London: Sage.
• HANLON, P., CARLISLE, S., HANNAH, M. & LYON, A., 2012. The Future Public Health. Berkshire: Open University Press.
• HILL, A., GRIFFITHS, S. & GILLAM, S., 2007, Public health and primary care: partners in population health. Berkshire: Oxford University Press.
• JONES, L. & DOUGLAS, J., 2013. Public Health: building innovative practice. Berkshire: Open University Press.
• LAVERACK, G., 2019. Public health power, empowerment and professional practice. 4th ed. London: MacMillan International
• MORGAN, A., DAVIES, M., ZIGLIO, E. & DAVIES, M., 2010. Health Assets in a Global context: Springer
• NAIDOO, J. & WILLS, J., 2009. Foundations for Health Promotion (Public Health and Health Promotion 4th ed. Bailliere Tindall.
• PORTER, E. & COLES, L., 2011. Policy and Strategy for Improving Health and Wellbeing. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.
• SCRIVEN, A., 2017. Ewles&Simnett’s Promoting Health A Practical Guide. 7th ed. London: Elsevier
• SCRIVEN, A. & GARMAN, S., 2005. Promoting Health: global perspectives. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan.
• SIM, F. & MCKEE, M., 2011. ISSUES IN PUBLIC HEALTH 2nd ed.Berkshire: Oxford University Press.
• SINES, D., ALDRIDGE-BENT, S., FANNING, A., FARRELLY, P., POTTER, K. & WRIGHT, J., 2013. Community and Public Health Nursing 5th ed. Wiley Blackwell
• SOMERVILLE, M., KUMARAN, K. & ANDERSON, R., 2012. Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance. Wiley-Blackwell
• TAYLOR, V. 2012. Leading for Health and Wellbeing. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd
• TAYLOR, G. & HAWLEY, H., 2010. Key Debates in Health Care. Berkshire: Oxford University Press.
• WALKER, P. & JOHN, M. 2012. From Public Health to Wellbeing: The New Driver for Policy and Action. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
• WILSON, F. & MABHALA, M., 2009. Key Concepts in Public Health. London: Sage.
3 Appendices:
3.1 Appendix 1: SCQF Level 11 Marking Criteria
Masters Standard Grade: 70%+ Grade: 60-69% Grade: 50-59% Grade: <50% Refer/Fail
Demonstrates engagement with techniques which underpin pursuit of own research/ advanced scholarship Exceptional ability to comprehend and engage with the complexity of the task to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Excellent demonstration of initiative, decision-making and problem solving skills exhibited as an independent learner pursuing advanced level study
Outstanding ability to systematically assimilate, manage and synthesise information to inform own research/advanced scholarship Highly competent in comprehending and engage the complexity of the task to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Demonstrates clear initiative, decision-making and problem solving skills as an independent learner pursuing advanced level study
Sound ability in systematically assimilating, managing and synthesising information to inform own research/advanced scholarship Competent in approaching the nature and complexity of the task to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Competent in decision-making and problem solving in pursuing advanced level study
Adequately manages the sourcing and retrieval of information to inform own research/advanced scholarship Unable to demonstrate competence in addressing the complexity of the task failing to present a structured, fluent and coherent piece of work
Unable to demonstrate decision-making and problem solving skills in context of advanced level study
Inability to systematically assimilate, manage and synthesise information to inform own research/advanced scholarship
Demonstrates a systematic understanding and critical awareness of contemporary knowledge related to the field of inquiry Utilised an extensive range of relevant sources, current and seminal, to comprehensively interrogate major issues within field of inquiry
Excellent usage of appropriate literature to establish clarity, focus and skilfully communicate a line of reasoning
Depth of understanding exemplary, outstanding ability to synthesis knowledge and present insight at the forefront of inquiry Good use of a broad range of relevant sources, current and seminal, to comprehensively interrogate major issues within field of inquiry
Sustains a coherent and well develop argument through usage of relevant literature which establishes clarity, focus
Sound understanding demonstrated which evidences the ability to synthesis knowledge and present insight at the forefront of inquiry Satisfactory incorporation of relevant sources to investigate key areas within field of inquiry
Evidences a critical argument to present a credible line of reasoning using relevant literature
Satisfactory level of understanding presented based on exploration of key concepts within field of inquiry Obvious omissions in sourcing relevant literature necessary to comprehensively explore field of inquiry
Unable to present and establish clarity, focus and communicate a line of reasoning
Partial awareness but overall fails to demonstrate comprehension and insight within field of inquiry
Demonstrates conceptual understanding which evidences critical evaluation based on command of topic/ field of inquiry Outstanding ability to
Interrogate and objectively examine the relative worth of differing perspectives
Highly developed analytical and evaluative skills resulting in sophisticated reasoning which is exceptionally cogent.
Eloquently justifies own positionality presenting personal judgment based on research appraisal and advanced scholarship
Skilfully interrogates and critically examines the relative worth of differing perspectives
Evidences well-developed analytical and evaluative skills to present, debate, and refine a cogent argument.
Clear ability to justify own positionality by presenting personal judgments based on research appraisal and advanced scholarship
Establishes the ability to present a range of differing perspectives
Appropriate analytical and evaluative skills deployed present a cogent argument.
Can demonstrate and present personal judgments based on research utilisation and advanced scholarship
Inability to offer evaluation due to poor grasp of alternative/different perspectives
Poor evaluative skills which has resulting in recapitulating material and thus compromised ability to
present cogent argument
Unable to articulate own positionality to offer personal judgment based on research and advanced scholarship
Demonstrates originality in the creative and contextual application of knowledge Exceptional insight and independence of thought which is creatively applied within field of study
Highly creative in contextualising and justifying the meaningful application of theory to practice
Outstanding demonstration of knowledge advancement skilfully applied as confident and independent learner Insightful independent thought which is creatively applied within field of study
Clear ability to contextualize and justify the meaningful application of theory to practice
Convincingly demonstrates knowledge advancement and is skilled in its application as confident independent learner Some indication of independent thought applied within field of study
Able to justify the application of theory to practice
Demonstrates knowledge advancement and its application as an independent learner Lack of independent thought applied within field of study
Inability to articulate the application of theory to practice
Deficient in demonstrating knowledge advancement and its application as an independent learner