Critically discuss the main reforms brought by Basel III to the international regulatory framework set in Basel I and II.’
Order Description
1. Discuss about Basel I & II and their flaws that necessitated the introduction of Basel III.
2. Briefly discuss the key reforms under Basel III
3. Suggest whether they are sufficient in application for all countries by highlighting the benefits and demerits.
Suggested reading:
Abdullah, A. (2014). “Addressing the financial crisis: perceived effective of Basel III. ” Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation.
Alexander, K. (2015) Are environmental risks missing in Basel III? Journal of International Banking and Finance Law. 30(2). Available from: LinkInd=true&ersKey=23_T23157629688&format=GNBFULL&startDocNo=0&resultsUrlKey= 0_T23157629690&backKey=20_T23157629691&csi=280100&docNo=13&scrollToPosition=1 273
Barfield et al,. (2011). “Basel III – implications for risk management and supervision.” Compliance Officer Bulletin.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), (2009). “Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector.” Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Available at:
BIS, (2013). “Basel III: The Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Liquidity Risk Monitoring Tools.” Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Available at:
BIS, (2014). “Basel III phase in arrangement.” Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Available at:
BIS, (2014). “Impact and implementation challenges of the Basel framework for emerging market, developing and small economies.” Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
BIS,(2011). “Basel III: A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems”. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Available at:
Chorafas, D. (2012). “Basel III, the devil and Global banking.” Palgrave macmillan studies in banking and financial institutions.
Davy (2013) Basel III Liquidity Standards: The Implication for Credit Union Investments. Available from:
Dissananyake, A. (2012). “Basel III and emerging economies: a critique: Part 1.” Journal of International Banking law and Regulation.
Dissanayake, A. (2012). “Basel III and emerging economies: a critique: Part 2.” Journal of International Banking law and Regulation.
Hervé Hannoun. The Basel III Capital Framework: A Decisive Breakthrough. Available at:
Kadrimi, I. (2015). “The Management of Credit Risk in the Banking System during a Period of 5 years (2009-2014).” Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 4(2).
King, P. and Tarbet, H. (2011). “Basel III: An Overview.” Banking Financial Services. Aspen Publishers. 30(5).
Krause, S. (2009). “Big capital requirements no panacea.” American Banker. 174(169)
KPMG (2011) Basel III: Issues and Implications. Available from:
Lee, E. (2013). “Basel III: Post financial crisis international financial regulatory reform.” Journal of international banking law and regulation.
Lee, E. (2014). “The soft law nature of Basel III and international financial regulations.” Journal of International banking law and regulations.
McNamara, C., Wedow, M. and Metrick A. (2014) Basel III overview. Yale School of Management. Available from:
Ojo, M. (2010). “Basel III and Responding to the Recent Financial Crisis: Progress Made by the Basel Committee in Relation to the Need for Increased Bank Capital and Increased Quality of Loss Absorbing Capital.” Kindle Direct Publishing.
PwC (2010). The New Basel III Framework: Navigating Changes in Bank Capital Management. Available from:
Roy, D., Kohli, B., and Khatkale, S (2013) Basel I to Basel II to Basel III: A Risk Management Journey of Indian Banks. AIMA Journal of Management & Research, 7 (2/4).
Torfason, B. (2014). “Cash flow accounting in banks: a study of practice”. BAS publishing. Wignall, A. and Atkinson, P. (2010). “What will Basel III Achieve?”. Strengthening Transatlantic Cooperation.
World Finance (2013) World Finance on Basel III. Available from: