Major cybersecurity Regulations and laws
The post is of two assignments
1:Major cybersecurity Regulations and laws
key cyber defense technologies used to protect the classes of critical data in the sector priorities for the key cyber defense technologies that can be used to provide the broadest and most effective protection of the critical data Major cybersecurity Regulations and laws Regulatory agencies that provide oversight Identify and discuss the sector′s societal importance – effects on society of the sector Discuss and analyze the potential impact of a cyber breach and compromise of critical data upon each of the other four sectors in the simulation. With the uploaded document my portion has to be highly technical More about the company I am writing on Paper is a hypothetical team on DTL Power below is what DTL Power is DTL Power Corporation is an electricity generating and distributing company headquartered in the Chase Tower in Santa Fe, New Mexico. DTL Power has 5.4 million electricity customers and 485,000 natural gas customers. DTL Power has full or majority ownership of 14 nuclear reactors in 12 nuclear power plants. It also has two hydropower plants in the Midwest and five wind energy centers along the East Coast. Last year, incidents around the world involving nuclear reactors have led the company to tighten security and safety regulations at its nuclear plants. The company is also researching additional environmentally friendy options such as geothermal energy.Review the effectiveness of the cybersecurity technologies/policies employed by DTL power Nature of competition (competitive, highly competitive, cooperative, oligarchy, regulated monopoly) Identify, discuss, and analyze a recent news story regarding the industry that serves to illuminate the issues
2:Ethical Case Study
Student affairs professionals are often asked to prepare documents explaining complex ethical issues. Since these papers are often read by senior level administrators and/or faculty with little expertise in student affairs, our ability to present issues ethically, clearly, concisely, and convincingly (with appropriate documentation) is extremely important. An ethical dilemma paper analyzes a current ethical issue in student affairs and/or higher education and focuses on an assigned case study or ethical situation. Delineate the ethical issue(s), present both-all sides of the issue and state your conclusion(s) and how you arrived at your conclusion. To analyze the issues, you should refer to sources from the course readings and from the profession’s literature.Use one professional ethical standard or framework from one of the Professional Associations (e.g. NASPA, ACPA, ACUHO-I, CAS) to support your recommendation(s) or conclusion. Useful resources: ACPA College Student Educators International. Ethics statement & resources. Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education. (2015). CAS professional standards for higher education (9th ed.). Washington, D. C.: Author. CAS Statement of Shared Ethical Principles & functional area standards (*we may need to send you individual functional area standards) Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. (2009). A framework for moral decision making. Santa Clara University. Rubric: APA Compliance, grammar and writing style Statement of Issue Articulation of Stance and Perspective Clarity of Opinion and Solution to Issue Use of Professional Standards Use of Source Materials