DENTIN coursework critical essay: 20182019 session
Words : 2000, +/ 10%, excluding reference list Due date Mode of handin : DENTIN Moodle dropbox; format PDF document Weighting: 50% of total assessment Coursework specification ● A critical examination of one emerging technology, analysing how businesses have responded to it. (90% of marks). You should review the technology with reference to the theoretical frameworks we have covered, and strategies a company may use to innovate using the technology. You may use an indepth case study approach. You should also include a review of the sources you have used. ● A critical assessment of the technology review canvas (viewable on Moodle) as a tool for exploring a technology. (10% of marks). NB this should not be a TRC populated for your chosen topic, but a review of it as a tool. Further requirements Topic choice : Students should let the unit coordinator know their chosen technology topic by Friday 14th December. As far as is possible, students should choose a unique topic. A list of possible topics is included at the end of this document. If you would like to choose something different, please discuss with the unit coordinator. Intermediate deadlines: Students should provide an essay plan and list of resources used to investigate the topic for formative feedback . We encourage submission of this plan before the deadline, for early feedback. Further opportunities for formative feedback will be provided. Please include a word count at the end of the essay. Anonymity To observe marking anonymity, your work should be submitted to Moodle in a file named in the following format: Student number DENTIN critical essay 2019
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Essay marks The University’s general marking criteria for level 6 will be used to mark the work (see attached). The essay will be marked in accordance with academic judgement of these criteria. A good submission will contain: ● insight into the topic ● knowledge of the relevant theories ● good logical flow of ideas ● evidence of critical thinking ● review of technology canvas Please seek advice if you are unsure about the quality of your written English. Report marks Moderated marks will be returned to you within 20 working days, in accordance with University regulations. Referencing / Plagiarism / Poor scholarship APA 6 referencing convention should be followed for the citations in the main body of the essay and for the reference list. Do not forget citations for diagrams and tables, if you use them. The Moodle drop box is set up to allow you to submit as many drafts as you need to, to check your referencing. The latest version you submit is the one which will be marked. Please consult general advice (e.g. from the Academic Skills Unit) about good scholarship. We use a range of sanctions if plagiarism / poor scholarship is suspected. Possible essay topics ● 3D printing ● Artificial intelligence ● Augmented reality ● Autonomous vehicles ● Biometrics ● Blockchain / distributed ledgers ● Data visualisation ● Drone technology ● Digital security ● Intelligent Apps ● Internet of things (including “nanothings”)
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● Machine learning ● Quantum computing ● Robotics ● Semantic web ● Smart cities ● Virtual reality ● Wearable technology
You are also free to choose your own topic, but talk to us about it. DENTIN Essay marking criteria (Source: University grade criteria for Level 6 – General criteria applicable to essays, reports and aspects of projects and dissertations) 80+ As below + Outstanding work – contains accurate, relevant material, demonstrates understanding of complex subject matter and is able to view it in a wider context. Shows originality and confidence in analysing and criticising assumptions, is aware of the limits of knowledge. Likely to add new insights to the topic and approaches the quality of published material. Evidence of extensive research, uses and presents references effectively. Outstanding quality in terms of organisation, structure, use and flow of language, grammar, spelling, format, presentation, diagrams, tables etc. 70 ‐ 79 As below + Outstanding work – contains accurate, relevant material, demonstrates understanding of complex subject matter and is able to view it in a wider context. Shows originality and confidence in analysing and criticising assumptions, is aware of the limits of knowledge. Evidence of extensive research, uses and presents references effectively. Excellent in terms of organisation, structure, use and flow of language, grammar, spelling, format, presentation, diagrams, tables etc. 60 ‐ 69 As below + Very good work – contains most of the information required, is accurate and relevant and demonstrates understanding of the subject matter and attempts to view it in a wider context. Shows some originality of thought with good critique and analysis
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assumptions, is aware of the limits of knowledge. Well‐researched, good use and presentation of references. Very good in terms of organisation, structure, use and flow of language. 50 ‐ 59 As below + Work that attempts to address the topic with some understanding and analysis, key aspects of the subject matter covered. Research extends to primary sources. Appropriately cited and presented references. Satisfactory presentation with respect to presentation, organisation, language, grammar, spelling, format, diagrams, tables etc 40 ‐ 49 Adequate works which attempts to address the topic with limited understanding and analysis. Some research using texts, Internet and key reference sources with reference citation and presentation according to convention. An attempt to follow directions regarding organisation, structure, use and flow of language, grammar, spelling, format, diagrams, tables etc 30 ‐ 39 FAIL – Anything which is inadequate in most or all of the following: length, content, structure, analysis, expression, argument, relevance, research and presentation. Work in this range attempts to address the question / problem but is substantially incomplete and deficient. Serious problems with a number of aspects of language use are often found in work in this range. 0 ‐ 29 Fail – No serious attempt to address the question or problem, and / manifests a serious misunderstanding of the requirements of the assignment. Acutely deficient in all respects.