ENGR100 Spring 2018
ASN # 3 Dimensional Homogeneity
Assigned: 2/1/18
• Use Dimensional Homogeneity to find the units for variables in different equations
Evaluation – Completed problems listed below
Evaluation of Assessment – Points – Grade x/15
Due 2/6/18 Submit through Canvas by 11:59 pm
Submit the pdf file online
Complete problems 6.3, 6.4 and 6.13 in your textbook See pages 180 and 181.
Perhaps the most important thing you will learn as an engineering student is how to solve problems. Your solutions should contain each of the sections below (Given, Required, Solution, Discussion):
• Rewrite the problem statement on your paper and draw a sketch of the geometry or problem to be analyzed.
• Clearly tabulate all of the given information, such as current, voltage, dimensions, material properties, forces, etc.
• Identify the unknown quantity (or quantities) to be determined.
• Draw additional sketches of the body to aid in your solution if needed.
• Apply the appropriate principles and equations (IDENTIFY the principles and equations that you will employ)
• Report the answer with the appropriate number of significant digits with the appropriate units.
• Place the final answer in a box, and underline important intermediate results when applicable.
• Study the answer to see if it is reasonable, and give any limitations of the solution.
Deliverables (what you need to turn in)
1. This will be completed using engineering format (The format to be used will be GRSD (see the explanation below) using Engineering paper or a graph paper (you can print graph paper off using the following website; http://www.printfreegraphpaper.com/gp/c-i-14.pdf)), scanned to a pdf file and submitted online in Canvas
Other Requirements:
(1) Solutions should be NEAT.
(2) Solutions should be completed on engineering/graph paper (yellow, green or white). (See the following line to get a free graph paper pdf; http://www.printfreegraphpaper.com/gp/c-i-14.pdf).
(3) Put problems in the order they are assigned.
(4) Number all pages in the upper right hand corner of the paper. For a 5 page assignment, the first page would be numbered 1/5, the second page would be numbered 2/5, and so on.
(5) The use of Mathcad/Excel/Matlab to complete all or part of a homework assignment is encouraged.
(6) A properly formatted problem must include the proper units throughout the solution.
(7) Each problem should begin on a new page; there should never be more than one problem per page, although long problems may span multiple pages.