Disaster recovery planning and Operations
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answer the 5 question in an essay do not list the question in the paper just list the question on page 9 and make page 10 the reference page. The paper needs to flow with the 5 questions. 1. Under what circumstances should followers under take the leadership functions. 2. Discus if leaders are trained/or born….(stick with one to make your paper flow). 3. Should leaders be rotated and give examples of the circumstances. 4. How does organizational power effect the leadership paradigm? 5. Do leaders need to have any formal education or no education is needed? steer this paper on not needing a leader…followers are more important.
2:The Manchurian Candidate by John Frankenheimer released in 1962 and Don Siegel’s Telefon released in 1977. It is informative to mention that both films are adaptations of novels, Richard Condon’s The Manchurian Candidate (1959) and Walter Wager’s Telefon (1975).
Frankenheimer’s The Manchurian Candidate was released at the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis during John F Kennedy’s presidency in 1962. This film encompasses the political anxieties of the time: the communists, brain warfare, and the assassination of the President of the United States. It was the height of the Missile Crisis taking the US was to the brink of nuclear war, and—a year later, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This film definitely falls under the “film noir” category. Although it was not released at the time of the “classical film noir period” between the 1940s and late 1950s, it still exhibits all of the characteristics of such a film.
Don Siegel’s Telefon is somewhat of a post-Cold War update to Frankenheimer’s The Manchurian Candidate. It touches upon the same topic of brain warfare tactics the communist bloc utilized on the United States. It is a thriller that reintroduces the cold war vestiges of brain warfare coming back to destabilize the world at a time where political tensions were calming down.
3:Discuss the integration of roles in disaster recovery planning and operations among federal, state, and local government partners, with emphasis on some of the problems that have arisen in recent years. Cite examples. Be specific. In addition to the textbook, I suggest you research after-action reports for recent disasters. Focus on disaster recovery.
Use the below references.
1. Textbooks George D. Haddock, Jane A. Bullock, & Damon P. Coppola, (2017) Introduction to Emergency Management, 6th Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers, ISBN: 978-0-12-803064-6 read Chapter 7 The Disciplines of Emergency Management: Recovery
2. Readings FEMA Higher Education Training Program, chapter 11