Our discussion of discrimination in the workplace coupled with many cases decided provide perspective on gender balance at work. The Weinstein, Ailes and O’Reilly allegations clearly demonstrate that these issues are not resolved. Sex based discrimination along with age-based, class-based, etc. is covered by Title VII. After reviewing the cases and Title VII think about the limitations of the law.
Answer the following questions
To what extent are minorities and women protected? This gender gap extends to wages and promotions to top-level positions.
What is the current administration’s position on Title VII and how does it affect workplace policies? Do you think the current political climate allows a continuation of discrimination? Even with laws and company policies in place, how do companies get around them? Why is gender-based discrimination still prevalent? Is the stigma that “I have a daughter so I support women’s rights” a proper response to this ongoing battle? What are the necessary steps that can be taken to combat discrimination?
Very important Please discuss the economic, social, and political perspectives, present and future, of this issue in the context of the materials in Chapters 17 and 18. Identify and discuss at least two actual, or potential, outcomes resulting from these developments in your initial response .
Use other internet sources and videos