1. Nursing: Educational Advancement of RN’s
Go to the discussion topic (Educational Advancement of RN’s) and compare and contrast the issues in the original 1965 ANA position paper and the present proposals regarding the Educational Advancement of RN’s (10year proposal). Please provide examples from the readings relating to your thoughts.
2. Robert Coles
Research the theorist Robert Coles and write a brief 2 page report in essay format.
Part A: Background Information
a) Where were they born?
b) Where did they grow up?
c) What type of education do they have?
d) Where did they go to school?
e) Where did they go to work?
f) Where did they live in adulthood?
g) Did they have a family of their own?
h) Did they write any books?
i) Any other interesting facts?
Part B: The Theory
a) What is their theory?
b) Does their theory contain any steps or stages? If so, explain them.
c) What does their theory mean?
d) How did they develop this theory?
e) What kind of research did they do?
f) Are there any criticisms or comments on the theory from other people?
Not all of these questions must be answered.
Part C: Application
You are now a new parent. You have a child to nurture. How would you help them reach their full potential and development. Use your theorist’s theory to explain how you will help your child reach their full potential. Make reference to all the information you have gathered in part two. Keep it at 2-4 paragraphs.