post has three assignments
This is is Ethnographic paper, It should contain with a primary data and class reading and requirements
My interview focues on food and immegrant on US, so when you work on this, you can pick the materials that related to my
observation and interview transcript even I put 40 sources/references required below.
Required Texts
Mines, Diane, and Sarah Lamb
2010 Everyday Life in South Asia, 2nd Edition. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Ring, Laura
2006 Zenana: Everyday Peace in a Karachi Apartment Building. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Subramanian, Ajanta
2009 Shorelines: Space and Rights in South India. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Final Ethnographic Project:
As a final project, you will be conducting an ethnographic study examining South Asian students’ perceptions of issues in
contemporary South Asia. You will combine primary data in the form of interviews with secondary library-based research
to write a 3000 word paper.
This course provides a broad introduction to the cultural ideologies and practices that have shaped and continue to shape
South Asia, which includes the countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. Central
themes of the course include: colonialism, Independence and nationalism; kinship, gender, and sexuality; caste and class;
religious pluralism and communalism; development and the environment; and popular culture. We will explore these
themes through the reading of ethnographic monographs, excerpts from a number of ethnographies, scholarly articles,
and ethnographic films, and through media representations of South Asia. Students are also encouraged to attend
additional lectures, film screenings, and cultural events that deal with South Asian cultures. This course is also counts
towards the writing-intensive requirement. Therefore, you will have a number of writing assignments and activities
designed to improve your analytical writing skills.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
1. Identify the countries located in South Asia, major cities within these countries, and key natural features on a map.
2. Relate the general narrative of South Asian history, including but not limited to: colonization and Independence,
Partition, the Green Revolution, economic liberalization, and contemporary nationalist movements.
3. Discuss major social institutions in South Asia, including the family, caste group (jati), religion, and nation.
4. Identify the ways in which gender, caste, class, ethnicity, and religion intersect for people within South Asian cultures.
5. Critically engage with anthropological writing, research, and theory.
6. Write about South Asia in a scholarly manner.
At this time I would suggest that you read over your transcripts to find patterns. Below are some questions to get you
thinking. Write down your hunches as you go.
Do you informants talk about an issue in a similar way?
Do they use common vocabulary?
Do they say the same things?
Do they talk about engaging in the same sets of practices?
Are there differences that you think are important? NOT count toward the 4-5 pieces of literature. Use the ethnographies
that we read in class as models for integrating primary data (interviews, observations) and the findings from other studies
2:Religious Field Research
Write a 4 page paper (1100 or more words) about your religious field research into an “unfamiliar” religious tradition.
Pick one (1) of the religions studied (with which you are not very familiar) and do one of these three (3) things:
Attend a religious service, or
Visit a religious education center and interview a member of that faith, or
Attend a “virtual religious service” and complete additional research (for a list of services, see Appendix A)
The paper will address the following points:
Discuss any misconceptions you had about the religion you researched.
Analyze how your prior understanding about this religion was altered (if at all) through your encounter.
Discuss whether you believe misconceptions about other people’s religion are common and explain why or why not.
Recommend at least one (1) step that could be taken to minimize misconceptions people have about religions not their
Keep the points to be covered in your paper in mind during your religious field research to help guide your encounter. The
purpose of your field research (whether actual or virtual) is to test your own assumptions about this religion.
Pay attention to what is important to people inside the religion, what they do, what they profess, how they act, what they
value, what they talk about, and what they tell you about their religion. The easiest way to understand what is important to
someone else is let them tell you about their faith, their traditions, and their religious practices. The most important thing
to do is to keep an open mind and listen. No matter which of the three routes you take for your field research, you will be
looking for the same information.
A note about attending religious services in person: Please keep in mind that if you choose to attend a religious service in
person, you are a guest and should be as respectful as humanly possible. While you may be attending the service from the
perspective of an objective (and hopefully inquisitive) observer, most of the other people will be attending the service as
part of their religious practices. Please do the following before you go:
Call the place you wish to attend and ask if it is okay to attend as an observer
Ask if someone could (or should) act as a host when you attend
Ask if anyone would be willing to speak with you after the service to explain what happened and to answer a few questions
about the basics of the religion
The format of the paper is to be as follows:
Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.
In-text citations and a References page following APA Style, even if the only source you are using is the textbook. Any other
sources must be documented using in-text citations and included on the References page.
In addition to the the 4 page pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the
assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.
3: Art Ideology
Writing about one of your piece of artwork, in terms of either Bakhtin or Baudrillard.
– analyze your piece of art in terms of either Bakhtin’s or Baudrillard’s ideas
-My artwork is abstract, you can write whatever you want to write about it.
When you are ready to start outlining or writing a first draft, it might help to fill this out:
–The philosopher I choose is (Bakhtin, Baudrillard). Circle one.
–The example of my own artwork that I am going to analyze is ___________. Describe it by filling in the blank.
–The philosopher’s ideas I am going to write about in terms of my artwork are: Circle all that apply – for only ONE of the
philosophers (the one you chose)! You do NOT need to write about all of the ideas for the philosopher you chose.
Bakhtin (Modules 8-10)
** Self-awareness through "the Other".
** "The "architectonics" of identity construction.
** The thirteen points of "the carnivalesque" (you don’t have to use all 13 points; you should use at least three
(3), and may use more if desired).
Baudrillard (Modules 11-13)
** The "death of reality."
** The four stages of "simulation."
** Conceptual art and the "death of reality" as it applies to art.
Important notes about the essay assignment:
1. The essay should be 2-3 pages long.
2. It is NOT a research essay about Bakhtin or Baudrillard or the general ideas they are talking about. It is NOT a research
essay about anything else outside of class. You should use the information from the Modules (about the philosopher’s
ideas) and your own artwork.