Question 1.
Explain the features of the interpretive approach to education; why is it suited for micro-level analysis?
Question 2.
This week’s assigned materials define and delineate concepts associated with the interpretive perspective. Which term or concept did you have the most trouble with? Explain why at length. (Challenge: Put on your instructor’s cap on in Phase Two! If you feel you have a grasp of the concept/issue, try your best to answer the question put forth by another classmate on Friday.)
Question 3.
What is Rist’s contribution to the interpretivist school of theory? What are the ‘wrong questions’? What are ‘better questions’? Apply Rist’s work to explain the outcome of a recent controversial news item on education in America (if you can, please provide a link to the article).
For Forum Phase Two, respond to ONE (1) Phase One post by students by Saturday. You should strive to use citation of the assigned readings to support any arguments or expansions to the original poster’s analysis. Each answer should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length and be scholarly in content. Note that this is part of your participation grade, so spelling, grammar, and structure are important.