Summative Assessment: 1500 words
critically analyse how external factors influence how an organisation approaches occupational health and safety and how a failing organisation can be turned around using all appropriate mechanisms of state intervention.
Marking Criteria
Indicative marking %
Identify the external factors that impact on an organisation.
Review how policy may influence intervention
Breaches of legislation and mitigation clearly evaluated.
Potential legal implications of failure including enforcement identified.
Analyses how safety culture might respond to these factors.
Suitable and sufficient conclusion to the essay has been written.
(appendix material is relevant and supportive to the main essay.
Well presented within the required word count with accurate referencing and evidence of wide reading.
Learning Outcomes
1. Critically evaluate appropriateness of current statutory and regulatory requirements and associated guidance, both criminal and civil, for securing compliance and managing change in occupational safety and health.
2. Critically evaluate and analyse health and safety information, internal and external to the organisation, and its importance as safety performance indicators.
3. Argue the role of health and safety policy in decision making, managing health and safety and importance of communication within an organisation.
4. Appraise the concept of human factors, importance of positive health and safety culture and risk of human error to an organisation.
5. Exhibit critical insight into the interaction between various aspects of professional practice, competent advice and accountability in occupational risk professions
Learning outcomes:
1. Evaluate and apply the principles of risk management in relation occupational safety and health.
2. Critically appraise the options to control the ill-health effects of exposure to chemical, biological, physical and psychological health hazards at work.
3. Reflect on the principles of ill health and accident causation, methods of investigation, requirements of accident and incident reporting and recording.
4. Integrate the key elements of safe systems of work into management systems, and consider how application in various contexts can be audited.
5. Exhibit critical insight into the appropriateness of inspection, auditing and sampling based on risk matrices