- Please refer to the handouts posted to Moodle on Flowcharts and Brainstorming. These will be of assistance to you.
- Students will act as a continuous-improvement manager for a hotel; your task will be to flow chart the housekeeping cleaning work flow/inspection process for cleaning a hotel room.
- There are examples of housekeeping workflow charts posted to Moodle. Review these charts and use as a guide for your flowchart. The charts that are posted are very basic, however, we expect much more in our housekeeping standards.
- You can find an example of a completed flow chart on page 123 (Exhibit 8) of the textbook, and the material on flow charts on pages 121–125 may be of help (including Exhibit 7 – Flow Chart Symbols).
- You will submit one flow chart outlining the steps for cleaning a room.
- In addition, you will submit explanations for each step in your flowchart. Be very specific on work flow and continuous improvement steps.
- Please submit two documents: 1) flow chart, and 2) a file explaining the flowchart and continuous improvement process.