Deadline for submission is 10.00 am Day X Month Year
Open-book examination.
Answer ALL questions
Suggested time to answer the paper ~THREE Hours
This open-book examination will be marked out of 50.
Answer questions hand-written on paper and scanned using an application such as Microsoft
Office Lens, or alternatively hand-write answers using a tablet and stylus. The maximum PDF
file size for submission is 20MB. Guidance on scanning can be found through the Faculty of
Science Moodle Page Guidance for Remote Learning.
Submit your answers containing all the work you wish to have marked as a single PDF file,
with each page in the correct orientation, to the appropriate Moodle Assignment
submission box on the module’s Moodle page.
Use the standard naming convention for your document: [Student ID/_[Module Code]
e.g. 12345678_CHEM1234. Write your student ID number at the top of each page of your
answers. Do not include your name.
Although you may use any notes or resources you wish to help you complete this open-book
examination, the academic misconduct policy that applies to your coursework also applies here.
You must be careful to avoid plagiarism, collusion or false authorship. Familiarise yourself with
the Faculty of Science Statement on Academic Integrity. This statement refers to, and does
not replace, the University policy which stipulates severe penalties for academic misconduct.
Check the box indicated on Moodle to confirm that you have read this statement and that you
understand it.
Staff are not permitted to answer assessment or teaching queries during the period Monday
18°” May to Friday 12° June 2020. If you spot what you think may be an error on the exam
paper, note this in your submission but answer the question as written.
Work submitted after the deadline will be subject to penalty.
The standard University of Nottingham penalty (5% deduction per working day) will apply to
any late submission of this work.
CHEM2007-M1 Turn over