Watch Gotcha movie and write a rection apaper that answers the following questions;
$2295 tigng for Gaggga;
1) How far are we away from the future the “not-too-distant-future”
outlined in Gattaca‘?
2) What’s wrong with Vincent? Why does he want so badly to become
an astronaut?
3) Who is Anton? Why did Vincent’s parents genetically engineer
their second son?
4) What exactly is 3 “Faith Child,” and why are they considered
abnormal in the future outlined by Gattaca?
5) What is a “Degenerate” in the future outlined by Gattaca?
6) What is “(ienoism,” and how does it relate to “Degenerates‘?”
7) Who is Gerome Morrow, and what’s his problem? Why did he step
out in front of the automobile and attempt suicide?
8) Would you genetically engineer your child? What would happen if
you didn’t genetically engineer your child? Could your child compete
in a world filled with genetically engineered children?