Deliverables: Submit one (1) single presentation: • Identify and develop a methodology to collect data that will guide or influence strategic and/or organizational management. Identify key data points, rates, indicators that can be used to measure EMPI data quality. • This effective exchange of medical information amongst Health Information Exchange Organization (HIEO)members relies on their trusting that each patient has one and only one unique identifier within the HIEO system. Management of the HIEO’s Enterprise Master Person/Patient Index (E/MPI) is a key strategic activity because the E/MPI is the backbone of the HIEO’s clinical repository The Enterprise Data Integrity Team is accountable to the HIEO Information Governance Committee. Describe those individuals/ departments that should be involved and define what each of their roles are. Define the purpose and the value to the organization of an Enterprise Data Integrity team. Explain the Enterprise Data Integrity team’s accountability within the enterprise. • Create an organizational guideline to measure data quality checks that promote the accuracy of cross-organizational patient identity matching. Define the organizational burden and accountability for each HIEO member to assure integrity, completeness and accuracy of patient identity data. • Prepare an HIEO policy which provides clear guidance to all contributors in the HIEO on the use of patient consent. Use the statutory guidance for consent in your state in developing the policy. Is your state assumed to have patient consent “opt in” unless they specifically decline or is your state an “opt out” which assumes no consent for disclosure unless a consent has been signed. In the policy, discuss how the consent value is managed by the contributing parties, e.g., collected, stored, updated and sent to the HIE. Identify any other specific types of consent values which need to be considered for consent management (e.g., 42 CFR part 2 and others specific to your state such as HIV, STD, genetic testing). • Create a business flow chart which identifies and describes the accountable owner, information source system and transaction flow to the HIEO; see attachment A as an example of an HIE transactional database. Identify and describe the inbound and outbound interface transactions from the central model of the HIE. Note additional components may be used to describe the transaction