Health Policy
Research has suggested that most health inequalities are primarily due to differences in the social determinants (e.g. education, nutrition, quality of the work environment, income) of health. In response, some policymakers suggest that our society should reallocate resources away from medicine and the health care system to improve the social determinants of health. Argue for or against this strategy ?
Note for writer:
1. Aitkins, D., J. Siegel, and J. Slutsky. “Making Policy When the Evidence is in Dispute.” Health Affairs 24:102-113, 2005.
2. Welch, H.G. “Testing What We Think We Know.” New York Times, August 19, 2012.
3. Longest, B. Health Policymaking in the
United States. Fifth Edition. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press, 2010. (Chapter 1).