HIPAA basics for providers: Privacy, security, and breach notification rules
Please separate each answer by the # are all separate discussions. MAKE Sure to cite. APA style. No plagiarism.
Reading and Backround Information to help answer questions
Required Reading:
Department of Health and Human Services. [HHS]. (2016, August). HIPAA basics for providers: Privacy, security, and breach notification rules. Retrieved from https://clearwatercompliance.com/hipaa-hitech-news/difference-consent-authorization-privacy-rule/
HealthIT.gov (2014, Sept).Policymaking, regulation, & strategy. Retrieved from https://www.healthit.gov/policy-researchers-implementers/health-it-legislation-and-regulations
Optional Readings:
HealthBleep.com (2012, February 10). Health information privacy HIPAA privacy rule [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSvh5kkZskU (5:46)
Office of Civil Rights.[OCR]. (2003). Summary of the HIPAA privacy rule. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/summary/privacysummary.pdf
1. Discussing information on HIPAA, privacy regulations and penalties for not adhering to HIPAA guidelines.
What is HIPAA and how does it serve to protect patients and their medical information? What are some of the penalties if HIPAA is violated. Please find a case (in a healthcare organization) in which a HIPAA law was violated. What was the penalty for the violation? – lets try to find a pharmacy related case.
2. what is the HITECH Act that was passed in 2009? How does it relate to HIPAA and why is it important?