- Write a minimum 1,000 word review of the movie. You must have a title page in APA format.
- The review should include headings (in APA format) for the following sections:
- Basic Information
- Summary of the Movie
- Historical Event 1
- Historical Event 2
- Historical Event 3
- Critique
- References
- The Basic Information should include the following and written in paragraph form.
- Date released
- Production company and director
- Actors and the roles they played (only list major actors)
- Theme
- Format – (black and white, color, 3D, etc.) – Need citation.
- Two paragraphs summarizing the movie’s content. You will not need any citations for your summary.
- Two paragraphs describing each historical event. This is an event, not about uniforms, clothes, how they dressed or what they ate etc. The first paragraph should describe the scene from the movie. The second paragraph should, using research, tell what actually happened according to history. You must specifically state whether research verified or contradicted the movie’s portrayal. The second paragraph will need citation(s). This is repeated three times, one for each historical event.
- One paragraph giving your critique of the movie and to whom you would recommend the movie. You will not need any citations for your critique.
- You will need a minimum of three sources.