Order Description
Mid-term image analysis
Select one of the following images (Diego Rivera, ‘Tenochtitlan’ (1945)
Martín Chambi, ‘Autorretrato de Martín Chambi en Wayna Picchu’ (1943))and answer the following question:
How does the image portray indigeneity? How does this connect with the political and aesthetic ideas of indigenismo in Mexico or Peru (depending on which image you choose)?
Word limit: 1,500 words.
What style should I use for quotes and bibliography?
You can use either MLA or Harvard, but please be consistent. And remember to include a bibliography at the end. Scroll down this page to find further guidelines on referencing.
If I include quotes in Spanish, should I translate them?
No, you should not. And make sure that your quotes in Spanish do not include any grammar mistakes!
suggested structure
Panofsky’s Three Levels:
1.Formal Analysis: The image in question is a vertical rectangle about two times as high as it is wide. It looks like a common informational sign that one might see in the city on the side of the road indicating parking rules or handicapped parking. It appears to be metal, like one of those signs and has two holes, one on the top and one on the bottom, so that it can be hung on a metal post. It is overall white and has a red boarder around it’s perimeter with a little spacing of white between the red boarder and the edge of the piece. From the upper left corner four words are spelled out in red lettering and in capitals “PULL UP YOUR PANTS” PULL UP, YOUR and PANTS are on three separate lines. Under the red lettered words is a sentence written in black, capitalized and on three lines as well, these letters are smaller than the black letters and end with a period. This sentence says “NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR UNDERWEAR.” To the left of these words is a graphic representation of a man with his pants below his butt cheeks and the NO symbol, a circle with a slash through it, over his rear end. He looks as if he is holding his pants up so they don’t fall down further. At the very bottom of the image are the words written in small font with capitals at the beginning of the words and lowercase for the rest, Metropolitan Etiquette Authority and a logo with the letters MEA in a circle.
2.Iconographic Analysis: I can’t say that the person or image depicted is a “recognizable character or a known story”specifically, but the story of young people wearing their pants below their butt is a known phenomenon to most people. It has also come under increased scrutiny in recent years as a despicable display of personal appearance and many people including Barack Obama, Bill Cosby and the new President of Lincoln University, Robert Jennings have spoken out against this type of style.
3. Iconological Analysis. From the look of this sign it seems clear that it is meant to hang in public. Considering its message “PULL UP YOUR PANTS” etc. it could be misconstrued as a public service announcement, especially taking into account the Metropolitan Etiquette Authority logo on the bottom of the image. Upon further investigation though, One can find several images made in the same style and also hung around the city that are much more clearly sarcastic than this sign. Some other examples of this MEA sponsored signage read: :PULL UP YOUR PANTS, UNLESS YOUR A CHICK”, “CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR HORSE” and “PAY ATTENTION WHILE WALKING- your facebook status update can wait”. Taking into consideration the fact that there are other signs that have very similar stylistic qualities, hanging in public that are obviously not sponsored by the city because they are silly, we can conclude that the meaning behind this image is one of sarcastic criticism of men who wear their pants around there upper legs. This is an obvious piece of art and is perhaps a part of a city sponsored project or artwork funded by the individual artist. It could be renegade art and hung with out the permission of the city like bombing or tagging. It is clearly meant to evoke thought by poking fun at common sighting with in the context of a city, a man with his ass hanging out.