How was student mental health impacted during the Pandemic?
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Inquiry
The course project has 4 parts:
1. Situated Position (worth 10% of final grade)
2. Project Exploration (worth 10% of final grade)
3. Method & Methodology (worth 10% of final grade)
4. Project Learning + Recommendations (worth 20% of final grade)
You are required to demonstrate a grasp of course material (lecture videos, tutorial discussions
and assigned readings) in all assignments (through description, analysis and appropriate
referencing and citation).
Length: 1500 words (5-6 pages) + Annotations + Bibliography
For this assignment, write up your research question followed by a brief description and reflection of
your objective(s) and what you aim to learn about in the process of researching the University.
You will then include annotations of 3 selected academic articles pertinent to your research topic.
Research is a collective effort, the annotations will allow you to synthesize and reflect critically on your
research topic, highlighting key trends and gaps and contextualizing what we know about this topic to
date. Developing a preliminary bibliography is an essential early step in the research process, as it helps
to orient you to the field and the language and methods used to undertake the research. The bibliography
must include (5-10 articles in total – no websites please!).
The project exploration must include:
1. Research question, objective(s) and reflection that should examine: what are you learning, and what do you aim to learn more deeply by investigating your University conditions? (approx. 1500 words)
2. Annotations of 3 academic sources (approx. 300-500 words per annotation)
3. Preliminary bibliography (5-10 articles, including the sources from your 3 annotations). Please note that the articles should be empirical and substantively relevant.