15% of overall grade
The late Steve Jobs left behind a fast-growing Apple Inc. Practise a scenario planning technique for Apple:
- How will the death of Steve Jobs affect Apple as a company? Identify THREE business scenarios that might happen in the next 5 years (best, most likely, worst). Take into consideration both external influences (economy, technology, globalization, legislation etc.) and Apple’s business environment (suppliers, competitors, customers, senior management, employees etc.).
- For each scenario, assess the firm’s readiness. What are the challenges faced under each scenario? Identify HR’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to these challenges.
- For each scenario, identify HR initiatives and programs that must be undertaken to deal with the changes.
- Prepare a report on the future of the company.
Document must be in Times New Roman, 12pt and double spaced.
Your assignment needs to be clearly structured.
Use APA Style.
Assignment will be submitted to Safe Assign, and a hard copy should be submitted to the professor.