Select TWO news articles* (e.g. New York Times, popular articles, magazines, etc. These articles must be substantive enough to adequately discuss the topic presented!!) that relate to human sexuality. Choose a topic which interests and challenges you. The article TOPICS should be RELATED (e.g. communication in relationships, sexual problems, male sexuality, female sexuality, etc.) And, these articles MUST be published in 2014 or 2015. After reading the articles, write a report based upon the following rubric evaluation:
1. Write a brief concise summary of each article.
2. Compare and/or contrast the articles chosen and explain how the article’s topic/issue relates to human sexuality.
3. Discuss whether or not the information presented in the articles chosen are supported by scholarly sources* (e.g. human sexuality textbooks, scholarly journals. etc.)
4. Discuss the impact this topic/issue has on society.
5. Discuss how this topic/issue affects you.
6. Give complete references of the articles chosen as well as to any citations used or other sources that you included in your discussion.
Your paper should be constructed using the following headings:
A. Article Reviews
B. Article Comparison
C. Supportive Literature
D. Social Impact
E. Personal Impact
F. Bibliography
This guide is designed to teach the differences between popular and scholarly articles:
Popular Articles (Magazines)
• Are often written by journalists or professional writers for a general audience
• Use language easily understood by general readers
• Rarely give full citations for sources
• Written for the general public
• Tend to be shorter than journal articles
Scholarly Articles (Journals)
• Are written by and for faculty, researchers or scholars (chemists, historians, doctors, artists, etc.)
• Uses scholarly or technical language
• Tend to be longer articles about research
• Include full citations for sources
• Are often refereed or peer reviewed (articles are reviewed by an editor and other specialists before being accepted for publication)
• Book reviews and editorials are not considered scholarly articles, even when found in scholarly journals
Essay Question Grading Criteria
3 2 1 0
Development of Response Excellent response to questions. Very good response to questions – generally clear and thoughtful. Adequate response to questions – may lack consistent clarity. Insufficient response to questions – may be unclear and/or difficult to understand.
Project Question Responded to all parts of the assignment. Responded to most parts of theassignment. Responded to some parts of the assignment. Very limited response toassignment.
Use of Resources Consistent use of resources to support theassignment. Resources used occasionally to support the assignment. Inconsistent use of resources to support theassignment. Absent or insufficient use of resources to support theassignment.
Bibliography Used 2 or more resources in addition to the text. Used 1resources in addition to the text. Used only the text as a resource. No bibliography included.
Length of Response 7 pages 5-6 pages 4 pages 3 pages or fewer
13-15= A 8-9= B+ 4-5= C+ 0-2=D
10-12= A- 6-7= B 3= C F=Did not respond to the question or assignment.
Please Note: If the chosen articles are NOT from 2014 or 2015, there will be a 2 point deduction from the above rubric.
“Project Pitfalls”:
1. Did not use or follow the outline provided.
2. Did not use professional resources to support opinion.
3. Almost exclusive use of one to support opinion.
4. The project does not follow the required page format.
5. Resources and bibliography are not consistent.