General Guidelines on Writing Assignments 1. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) is the
required style guide for all written work. 2. A final report is due for completion of this class, including the following elements:
a. Signature Page b. Abstract c. Table of Contents d. Chapter 1: Introduction e. Chapter 2: Literature Review (a minimum of 25
sources) f. Chapter 3: Methodology g. Chapter 4: Data Collection, Analysis and Results h. Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations
i. References j. Appendices 3. The written assignment should be in in the required template (Microsoft Word; double-spaced; size 12
font; with one-inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right on all pages). 4. All assignments must be free of spelling,
grammatical and typographic errors before they are submitted for final approval. 5. Each written assignment should conform exactly to
the page structure and format requested. In most instances, this will require careful thought and editing on content. 6. Papers must
be delivered via the course shell dropbox unless other arrangements have been made. 7. Preliminary drafts should be submitted
beforehand to allow ample time for critique by the instructor. Project reports are typically at least 25 pages long, not including
the title page, table of contents, references and appendices. Students’ written work should demonstrate mastery of public health
terms, theories and concepts. All statements should be based on evidence and clearly referenced. 10. Student papers in this course
presume both research, and original and individual thought. Any source the student uses in the composition of the assignments/papers
must be cited fully and accurately. The University Code of Honesty describes plagiarism as “giving the impression that you have
written or thought something that in fact you borrowed from someone else.” Any failure (whether accidental and/or intentional) to
follow the standards of scholarly accuracy constitutes dishonesty and will result in a mark of ‘F’ for this course.