Introduction to Systems Engineering, Fall 2018 –
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1. (Total Question worth 30 points ~ maximum of two pages for the entire question, and a minimum of 500 words).
The discussion related to Requirement Volatility clearly points to the need for a deep understanding of requirements
early in the process. The discussion related to “Why Systems Fail” points out that a lack of a formal methodology
is clearly a weakness in many systems developments. Using these two findings as a backdrop please develop the
1. (10 points) Why does “requirements understanding” drive Systems Engineering?
2. (20 points) A detailed Systems Engineering process for defining the detailed formal requirements of
whatever system you are developing.
2. (Total Question worth 30 points ~ maximum of two pages for the entire question, and a minimum of 500 words).
We have seen the economic and technical value of improving the level of CMMI for a systems development.
Please address the following:
1. (10 points) The Knox model shown on page 15 of the class notes for SE Module 11 that as the CMMI level
goes up errors go down. So why does not every company strive for Level 5? Please be specific.
2. (20 points) Using the above rationale that some companies do not need to hit Level 5, please develop a
business model architecture that a company could use to help them determine the proper level to seek.
3. (Total Question worth 40 points ~ use as many pages as needed to answer this question, please describe in writing
what you did for credit if your calculations are wrong). Use the AHP methodology to evaluate the convergence of
the eigenvectors in the file AHP Methodology for Test Rig_Cameron Bowe.pdf located on Blackboard posted in
the October 15, 2018 link. An example of subsequent iteration of the eigenvectors can be found in the AHP lecture
slides. Use the normalized vectors from matrices C, T, P, and R based on row totals after each iteration of squaring
the matrices. We measure convergence of a sequence of vectors x1, x2, x3, … , xk to a vector x resulting from
successive iterations of squaring the matrix to get x1, x2, etc. The vector x is generated from the first squaring of
the matrix. For the sequence to converge it is necessary and sufficient that lim k->infinity ||xk – x|| = 0. The
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the matrix. For the sequence to converge it is necessary and sufficient that lim k->infinity ||xk – x|| = 0. The
criteria choice for this problem is known as the Euclidean Vector Norm because it is similar to a vector length in ndimensions. You will calculate subsequent numbers by taking the square root of the sum the squared differences
between xk – x. This is the same as calculating the standard deviation, a single number by taking the square root of
the sum of the variances. Supply the following data:
1. (10 points) Calculate the Euclidean Vector Norm for k =1 and k=2 of the normalized row sum
vector for the C matrix. Did the vector norm number get smaller?
2. (10 points) Calculate the Euclidean Vector Norm for k =1 and k=2 of the normalized row sum
vector for the T matrix. Did the vector norm number get smaller?
3. (10 points) Calculate the Euclidean Vector Norm for k =1 and k=2 of the normalized row sum
vector for the P matrix. Did the vector norm number get smaller?
4. (10 points) Calculate the Euclidean Vector Norm for k =1 and k=2 of the normalized row sum
vector for the R matrix. Did the vector norm number get smaller?