Film Critique #2: Iron Jawed Women
Grade: 25 points
Length: WST 100: 1 page (Papers outside this range will lose points); Times
New Roman, 12 pts., 1.5 spacing
Length: WST 300: 1.5 pages (Papers outside this range will lose points);
Times New Roman, 12 pts., 1.5 spacing
After viewing Iron Jawed Women, write a one page paper (a page and a half
for WST 300 students) in which you describe how the movie affected you.
What current issue/issues do feel would be worthy of protest? Discuss your
political issue in relationship to the film. Your paper must include a short
description of the issue discussed in the film that related to your issue, but do
not spend time on the details, unless they are critical to the essence of the
Very Important: Please note that this is a full-length paper. It must therefore
have an introduction, coherently organized body of paragraphs (with
appropriate transitional words, phrases or sentences) and a conclusion. You
do not need to include a reference page since I know the source of your
information. If you need writing assistance the writing center is very helpful
An “A” paper will comprehensively and clearly address all aspects of this