Lab 3- Assignment 2
Civil engineering
Software drawn image of apparatus, Materials list, Fabrication estimate,
Procedure, Description of measured and computed data, simulated data set with
Due: One week from today, at the beginning of yourlab class
1. Using software, create a labeled, scaled diagramof your experimental apparatus.
Include the following:
a. scale
b. labels to identify components
c. multiple views as needed so that the experimenter can understand the setup
2. Prepare a table with an appropriate heading thatshows the following:
a. materials
b. quantity of each material/item
c. unit price of each material/item
d. total price for each material/item
e. lab costs—consider the time to purchase, construct, and assemble for a person
in the lab technician role; find lab technician salaries on Bureau of Labor and
f. total cost of experimental apparatus and other tools needed complete the
experiment (you only need to include the cost of items that would not typically be
in the lab. Typical items like rulers or measuringtape don’t need to be included)
3. Write your experimental procedure as a numbered list. Must be detailed.
4. Write your Data collection, computed quantities,and data comparison sections. No
more than three paragraphs total.
5. Prepare your simulated results and show in tables:
a. simulated measured data (correct number of trials based on procedure, etc.)
b. computed results from the simulated data
c. comparison values/theoretical data
d. compare the simulated data to the theoretical values (% error or other relevant
quantitative methods)
6. Update your reference list.