1. This chapter discusses several reasons that out-groups form. What is the best explanation for why Ursula, Nichole, and Todd appear to be out- group members? What impact are they having on Next Step? Do they have legitimate concerns? Discuss. ?
2. How could the initial meeting about fund-raising strategies have been conducted so that all members were included in the decision? ?
3. Of the six strategies for how leaders should respond to out-group members, do you think that certain strategies might be more appropriate or effective in this situation given the verbalized feelings about Next Step from the out-group members? ?
4. How could other members of the group besides James help to build the group identity and sense of cohesion in Next Step? ?
5. In this situation, do you think it is worth the time and effort to try to include Ursula, Nichole, and Todd? Defend your answer.
based on
and answer:
how can leaders deal with the messy realities of leadership? How can the conflicts and contradictions of leadership be resolved?